Breast cancer Forum
- 23 members
- 11 discussions
Thank you for joining our metastatic breast cancer market research project! Here you can share your experience on the impact of metastatic breast cancer on your personal, family and professional life.
Patients Breast cancer
Living with metastatic breast cancer
What coping strategies have you implemented to reduce the impact of metastatic breast cancer?
Living with metastatic breast cancer
What are your elationships with healthcare professionals and experience with shared decision-making?
Living with metastatic breast cancer
What are the needs in terms of digital solutions and information for people with metastatic breast cancer?
Living with metastatic breast cancer
What is the emotional impact and the emotional support needed with metastatic breast cancer?
Living with metastatic breast cancer
Are you experiencing any side effects from your treatment?
Living with metastatic breast cancer
What is the impact and the expectations/preferences (frequency, route of administration and dosing) in terms of treatments for metastatic breast cancer?
Living with metastatic breast cancer
What is the impact of metastatic breast cancer on caregivers and family members?
Living with metastatic breast cancer
What is the professional and financial impact of metastatic breast cancer?
Living with metastatic breast cancer
What is the emotional impact at metastatic breast cancer diagnosis?
Living with metastatic breast cancer
Impact of living with metastatic breast cancer stage 4