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- Prostate cancer breakthrough could lead to new diagnostic tests and treatments
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Prostate cancer breakthrough could lead to new diagnostic tests and treatments
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Last activity on 26/03/2025 at 18:38
Joined in 2015
4 comments posted | 3 in the Prostate cancer Forum
Appro 3 years ago my PSA was monitored as it went from 4.9 to over 11.I was told that I could have an enlarged prostrate so my PSA would be monitored and I was referred to theUrology dept in Folkestone,KENT.For about the next year my PSA averaged 11.9.,but was offered a biopsy,which I had.The news was not good,as I was told I had prostrate cancer,grade 6(which is the lowest level).On seeing the specialist (Mr. Streeter) I was offered to take a new biopsy at Maidstone hospital,as they have a machine which inserts 32 needles into your prostrate.The outcome was amazing as I was told I now do not have prostate cancer,they said that in the biopsy one of the needles had probally extracted the minute cancer.I was still to have my PSA done every 3 months which slowly went into reverse with the readings ,then some 15 months later my PSA has shot up to 16.3,now I am waiting to hear what direction we go in.
I must say before the 2nd biopsy I was having slight problems getting an erection,after the 2nd biopsy I failed to get an erection at all until 2 months ago I managed 2 on the trot.
All medications have been given to me without success so again I am now waiting?
They say after the 2nd biopsy it probaly damaged a nerve which can take up to and in some cases over 2 years to right itself.
I do not know if this helps anyone but other experiences would be welcome.
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In 1999 I had what I suspected was a urology problem - getting up too often during the night to urinate - I saw a consultant urologist and was diagnosed with a PSA of 17, against the average mans 3.5. which confirmed, I was told, that I had prostate cancer. I was given a choice of three treatments, radiology, removal of the prostate and a radical orchidectomy which I opted for. After the operation I was informed "that will give you 5 years". Here I am 16 years later. My PSA reading post-op was 0.25. As expected this has slowly crept up to 2.6. If my case helps anyone to make a decision then I shall be very pleased
Last activity on 09/12/2015 at 23:05
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In January 2014, I had a hip/glut pain that I could not get rid of with Physio (I exercise a lot and the soreness was because of this training). I decided for a hip MRI in April which was clear but they noticed abnormality with my Prostate. I had no symptoms and my PSA when tested was 0.98. After much discussion I went for a biopsy in Oct 2014, results showed I had Prostate cancer, Gleason 6 (lowest form). I was given several options, surgery, Radiotherapy, Active monitoring, Bracheatherapy. After much deliberation I decided for radical Prostecthamey in April 2015. I am totally clear now of cancer as it was confined to the prostate, interestingly when they examined the prostate after removal they only found cancer in one side, whereas the biopsy had found it in both sides. Surgeon said that biopsy needle may have removed the cancer cells on one side. I still have some ED, but it has improved.
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