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Prostate cancer and intimacy
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Unregistered member
Hi Eddyyy,
I have been living with prostate cancer for about 5 years. About the treatment I have good and bad news, it helps you but it might have side effects (obviously not everyone has them) but it is common to experience some level of erection problems. If you have radical prostatectomy you will also not be able to ejaculate (but you will still be able to have your orgasm :D )
Good luck

Unregistered member
Hello, Eddyyy
I understand, I have been operated last month [ radical prostatectomy, by robotic ], Trevor is right, it's not easy, at the moment after a month, I have problems non-stop, with controlling my bladder, which, start making me feel very depressed , just the night give me peace.... I have been told, for next month, to receive help, for sexual activities again, but life is changed for us all.
take care, all of you, we know, it's very difficult to take.

Unregistered member
Hello I was diagnosed with aggressive prostrate cancer May 2014,followed up with Hormone injections every month for 3 years,plus I had 37 Radiothrapy treatments ending in October 2014,i am having after effects of the radiation,it is called Radiotherapy Cistytis,which is a burning sensation in my Penis all the time, and worse when I pass water,i am waiting to see the Oncologist as of now after having various tablets etc as treatment, with no effect or cure for the pain at all.
Has anyone else experienced the same problem ? I would appreciate some help on this subject please.
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710 comments posted | 10 in the Prostate cancer Forum
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Hello guys!
Don't forget about this discussion! Remember that sharing helps us all to cope and learn.
All the best,
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Unregistered member
Hello everyone.
This morning, I am going to physio, just to answer a point, concerning sex activity, after 3 months, we have tried, result negative, so I did it by hand, or masturbation, soon I stoped, flat.. I tried again, the only thing is, the orgasm was powerful, but dry due to the radical prostatectomy, but with my wife, impossible, so, soon, same help will be given by the urologist.. patience is required, the good news is, I control very well my bladder, so there is same hope, but... all of us goes through a tough time... courage to all of you

Unregistered member
Hello everyone. !
Since last time, my regular psa test is .0.01.. very good, at the moment, I have been prescribed ,, Seldenafil ,, [ Viagra ] in june, but It doesn't work at all, just giving me ,, bright in my eyes, and stomach burns..... So, the advise was to make the blood circulating in that area, I am going in a week again for trying something else, about the cancer, for me , it looks OK at the moment... all dry, no pain, just the sexual things dead...
I wish you all, courage, patience...everything to encourage....

Unregistered member
Hello, everyone.
At the moment, everything with my cancer is OK.. Blood tests are fine, going again in early April, for the rest, sildenafil is not working,so, I take it with ,, cool ,,. just difficult to ,, adjust ,, between us at home..., as for my wife breast cancer, the late mammo, was normal, but same complications with the bones , as for the womb tumor operation, we wait for future tests.
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Last activity on 03/03/2025 at 12:04
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24 comments posted | 6 in the Prostate cancer Forum
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Hi, I was diagnosed with aggressive PC in 2013 at the age of 69. I just wanted rid and opted for surgery. At the time my hospital didn't have the Davinci Machine so I had to have Keyhole surgery. Prior to surgery I had physio to strengthen my pelvic floor and consequently I have not experienced incontinent problems. However sexual activity is not on the agenda even to this day but I try to look on the positive side and say "hey I don't have cancer" which has to be good. I haven't given up hope on this one though and I see the Macmillan nurse every six months. She has prescribed Cialis, then we tried Alprostadil urethal sticks which are not as bad as they sound. Finally we tried Muse which is basically a cream applied externally. Of these the Alprostadil is probably the best but so far with only marginal success. I also have a Soma Vacuum pump which I use occasionally, this is to stimulate the blood supply to the area and can be used to achieve an erection for sexual purposes. Unfortunately it's not very good for a seduction scene, having to go to the bathroom to pump yourself up. However in my view it's the best option at the moment. I have been told that the nerves will regrow eventually so I haven't given up hope. For anyone considering surgery I would say go for it. It all sounds a bit scary but my experience with all the professionals has been nothing but supportive. They are with you all the way.
Last activity on 27/07/2017 at 13:21
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13 comments posted | 1 in the Prostate cancer Forum
Hi Cooperman, I am 72 in a couple of months, I had a radical prostatectomy 4 years ago, unluckily it did not all go and I now have bone cancer in pelvis and spine. No symptoms however. I am on a drugs trial, "Stampede", this is abdominal injection every 3 months, of Zoladex. 4 tablets ber day of Aberaterone, and a nasty tasting prednisolone daily.
So far so good my PSA is at near zero and whilst it stays there I am OK.
Sex life was once good but is now non-existant, No erections of any quality despite trying most tricks in the book.
However, I prefer the loss of sex to having cancer so at my age "whatever" as the youngsters say.
Get the most out of life, cuddle your partner often, and go on lots of holidays whenever you can.
Talk to your children or other family members, It IS good to talk, but not moan.
Good luck with your life and your treatment. Phil.
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Last activity on 28/07/2021 at 13:23
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22 comments posted | 15 in the Prostate cancer Forum
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Hello People,
I'm 61 in April and it's 3 months since Radical prostatectomy, good news is I am only using one incontinence pad in 24 hours, bad news is my penile length has reduced by about 50%, my McMillan nurse told me this is quite usual but I was not told this before the operation so came as a heck of a shock. As far as erections go despite taking ED tablets every day there has been no return of erections, been trying masturbation but unsuccessfully until last night and had a massive orgasm but still no erection. Got an appointment at clinic for the pump but to be honest can't see that being exactly useful if you have to pump yourself up beforehand and no idea how long it will last if at all so jury is still out on that course of action.
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Geoff H
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Hi everyone,
I have prostate cancer but for th moment I don't require treatment. But I am curious/nervous if it would affect my (sex) life if one day I have to get treatment.
Does anyone have experience with this?