Prostate cancer: living with the disease

In the case of prostate cancer, it is important to clarify certain questions with the treating staff, which may relate to screening, symptoms, treatments or even the side effects of prostate cancer.


As men approach the age of fifty, the risk of prostate cancer increases further and further, making screening highly important. It is necessary to consult your doctor to find out about the different screening methods, even if you feel perfectly fine.
- What is the risk of me developing prostate cancer?
- Should I undergo screening even though I do not have any symptoms?
- What are the different methods of screening for prostate cancer?
- Which is the most accurate?
- Is screening for prostate cancer painful?
- How often should I be screened?
- What will happen next if the screening comes back positive?

Understanding symptoms

The symptoms of prostate cancer may be ignored or related to other conditions. It is therefore important to understand them better in order not to “sweep them aside” if they arise. The treating doctor will also be able to answer certain questions you have about symptoms of prostate cancer. Being well-informed by your doctor will help to avoid the panic that could be triggered by poor sources of information. 
- What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?
- What other conditions could these symptoms point to?
- How can I be sure that these symptoms are due to prostate cancer? 
- How long do they take to occur?
- If I have cancer, will these symptoms last?

Last updated: 14/01/2019

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