Osteoarthritis Forum

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  •  54 discussions

A widespread disease, osteoarthritis can have painful symptoms. Join our forum to discuss treatments, pain solutionsor the daily impact of the disease with other members.

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Hi. New to the group,I have ostiiarthritis plus sciatica and tendonitis. For this happy arrangement I'm on morphine patches ,have been for around 20 years. Last night which makes the 3rd Time ever I was cold turkey as the heat just peels away the patches by making me sweat more moist than anything . But I have an arrangement that I have 4extra 5mg patches for as and when I need them cos if you run out before the alloted date boy ,are you in trouble. And going cold turkey at the thanks to the NHS is just great. The hell can i do to stop them coming off my arm , and they are taped on. But that's my night last night ,shaking twitching sweating as the house is like an oven an to top it all, I've been in a flare up for the last week. So if any one out there goes through the same ,ehatr do you do if you have no patch?????

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@WeeEileen You will need a lot of patience it has been 5 months since my op and although still not fully healed it is definitely better. I still have numbness at base of thumb, but OT said it can take up to 12 months to fully heal. The worst part for me was being in a cast for 8 weeks, its difficult with only the use of one hand. I need my left hand done as well and will now definitely consider it. Good luck.

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Hi, all I can say is the meds help for a while, it's all about knowing what your pain tolerance is. And no t taking meds all the time. Stretches physiotherapy etc always made mine worse 1 hour session would put me on my back for 2 days. Every week for 6 months they never listen when you tell them.

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You could see a masseur who specialises in soft tissue massage, which might help the problems on the sides of your knee. It could be your ligaments. Doesn’t sound like typical osteo of the knee, which gives you a severe ache actually where the kneecap is. Hope you can get it sorted.

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