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Steroid injections for osteoarthritis
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I had fractured my Pelvis in 4 places twice in the two Road Traffic Accidents, in 1071 and 1974. With a result, my pelvis healed at an angle. Normal dilvery was not possible and I had to have C section both times. I was in early 30s and didn't suffer much then. But as I grew older, I started having low back pain from 1999. I had multiple Steroid injections in my spine over the course of 9 years. They did give me some relief for a while until I had the Sciatic Nerve trapped in between my discs and had to have a Hemi Laminectomy to free the nerve. Unfortunately that was the start of my back problems and i had a herniated disc L4, followed by L3 and eventually L2 when I went into Scoliosis. I had 5 Spinal surgeries and am now disabled walking with crutches permanently. The Multiple Steroid injections perhaps weakened my Spine. I have also had 4 Steroid injections in my knee which have been very effective, and I have managed to hold off with knee replacement for 2 and a half years since I was told I needed my knee replaced. I have not experienced any weight gain with the injections and no other side effects.
I hope this helps to who ever is reading this.

Unregistered member
Sorry, it should read 1971, not 1071

Unregistered member
Yes, had steriod injection into knee, which improved my walking. It was stopped when it was decided i would have a knee replacement. This was excellent and best thing it enabled me to walk correctly and took away hip and lower back pain. It gave me my life back. They were small in number, over three years, so dud not notice sids effects. Would do again if required.
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Last activity on 12/08/2023 at 12:46
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I had steroid injection before and after tkr but neither had any effect on me whatsoever. 14 months on since my operation I am now worse than before op. Now awaiting micro surgery to try to improve mobility.
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Jennifer Hyde

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I have had steroid injections in both knees and what a difference they make to me now when I go to the docs I get them both done at the same time I must say I do wait until I can barely walk and my knees are giving way and I only need the injections two-three times a year but the doc told me as soon as the time in between gets shorter I will need to get knee replacement not looking forward to that x

Unregistered member
I am glad the Steroid injections are helping. Just bear in mind that it is not advisable to have too many Steroid injection as it affects the eye sight and thins your bones. But if you are going to have your knees replaced any ways, it is best not to have too many. I was told not to exceed 3. I have already had 4 and am not having any more. I am controlling my pain with exercises and natural therapies, Turmeric, Ginger, Fish oils Glucosamine sulphate and MSM. its working well. Swimming helps too.
Good Luck
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Last activity on 22/03/2025 at 13:20
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I've had steroid injections in my spine L5 S1. I found them to give me about 6-8wks of relief they didn't take the pain away completely but allowed me to move better & take less painkillers for a while. The first lot I had was awful but I have had a further 8 over 4yrs. I found them a little uncomfortable and sometimes sore and felt tender for a few days, to be able to move without moaning in pain in my opinion is worth it, unfortunately my local health authority has stopped them due to funding and want me to attend a Persistent Pain Therapy to which I did last year. My last injections were in January hence I am in a great deal of pain and had my pain relief increased. So my opinion to injections is Yes.
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C Fleming

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Unfortunately many health authorities have now stopped the Steroid injections due to funding, and offering the appointments at the Pain clinics. It is a shame, but what can you do?
Christina Chetwynd
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Last activity on 22/03/2025 at 13:20
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Yes unfortunately this is so true got to think & feel positive & wait and see what the out come will be. I don’t really like having to take more medication as I’m in morphine it makes me so drowsy
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C Fleming
Last activity on 17/07/2018 at 00:09
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I have had the Steroid injections in both knees, but unfortunately they only last a couple of days and then am back to the pain.
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Hi. New to the group,I have ostiiarthritis plus sciatica and tendonitis. For this happy arrangement I'm on morphine patches ,have been for around 20 years. Last night which makes the 3rd Time ever I was cold turkey as the heat just peels away the patches by making me sweat more moist than anything . But I have an arrangement that I have 4extra 5mg patches for as and when I need them cos if you run out before the alloted date boy ,are you in trouble. And going cold turkey at the thanks to the NHS is just great. The hell can i do to stop them coming off my arm , and they are taped on. But that's my night last night ,shaking twitching sweating as the house is like an oven an to top it all, I've been in a flare up for the last week. So if any one out there goes through the same ,ehatr do you do if you have no patch?????
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Hi, all I can say is the meds help for a while, it's all about knowing what your pain tolerance is. And no t taking meds all the time. Stretches physiotherapy etc always made mine worse 1 hour session would put me on my back for 2 days. Every week for 6 months they never listen when you tell them.
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Hi. New to the group,I have ostiiarthritis plus sciatica and tendonitis. For this happy arrangement I'm on morphine patches ,have been for around 20 years. Last night which makes the 3rd Time ever I was cold turkey as the heat just peels away the patches by making me sweat more moist than anything . But I have an arrangement that I have 4extra 5mg patches for as and when I need them cos if you run out before the alloted date boy ,are you in trouble. And going cold turkey at the thanks to the NHS is just great. The hell can i do to stop them coming off my arm , and they are taped on. But that's my night last night ,shaking twitching sweating as the house is like an oven an to top it all, I've been in a flare up for the last week. So if any one out there goes through the same ,ehatr do you do if you have no patch?????
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Hi, all I can say is the meds help for a while, it's all about knowing what your pain tolerance is. And no t taking meds all the time. Stretches physiotherapy etc always made mine worse 1 hour session would put me on my back for 2 days. Every week for 6 months they never listen when you tell them.
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If your osteoarthritis is extremely painful, steroid injections can be a solution for relieving pain, especially in the smaller joints, like you fingers or knees.
The advantage of these injections is their reactivity: the improvement happens withing hours and can last several weeks and even months.
The drawback, however, is quite considerable: steroid injections can cause serious side effects, among which weight gain, high blood pressure, greater risk of infection, etc.
Have you already had steroid injections? In which joint? How quickly did you feel the positive results and how long has it lasted or did it last? What about side effects? Have you had any?