Patients Muscles / Skeleton / Joints
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Last activity on 02/10/2022 at 12:28
Joined in 2014
31 comments posted | 20 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
I also have arthritis in my spine ,I am waiting to see a spine specialist.its been six months now .(I know they are busy but six moths )
i find walking very hard going I can't stand up straight is that the same as you .
i want to do so much and go shopping like I use to do ..once I'm out walking I realise I just can't do it family tell me to be positive,that's easier said than done Iv tried so many different creams vitamins even spent a fortune going to apos therapy in London nothing works .
iv been like it for about three and a half years now ?
Last activity on 02/10/2022 at 12:28
Joined in 2014
31 comments posted | 20 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
Please let me know how you get on .

Unregistered member
Dear Barbara
6 months is a very long time to wait to see the Spinal surgeon. If I were you, I would keep ringing the out patients Co ordinator or the secretory to the surgeon to find out why you haven't had an appointment yet. Better still, your GP knows you better. Get him/her to chase it up for you. The longer you wait, the more damage you are causing to your spine.
I wish you good luck.
Let me know how you get on
Last activity on 12/03/2025 at 03:53
Joined in 2016
2 comments posted | 1 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
I have osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, brittle asthma etc. I feel very much on my own. GP's think I'm on too much meds. They think I should come off my painkillers. But I know I need them. Before the hospital got this combination of painkillers, I was in a wheelchair. Wasn't very mobile, I was in so much pain. I don't want to go back to that.
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P A Hewitt
Last activity on 11/07/2021 at 10:29
Joined in 2015
6 comments posted | 4 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
I have osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis, as well as c.o.p.d brittle bones, I was to have a operation on my spine but she said it was to dangerous to do it,, so I will just have to get on with it, she did an op last year put nuts and bolts in between the lower joints in the lumbar, but it made no difference, to the pain, i have also got a big curve in the spine, lost 2ins in height, so i have joined the gym, i am 68, i thought i would try and make my joints a bit stronger, i will let you know how it goes.
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Last activity on 11/03/2025 at 23:43
Joined in 2016
26 comments posted | 8 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
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Hi I have osteoarthritis in spine & bulging discs I have been having facet joint injections 4 to date, ive been having these through spinecareuk UK at my last check up in January my consultant asked if I had considered surgery I had previously been told that this was not a option as I'm also diabetic & have angina. The pain is unbearable at times just wondering what people's views are on surgery .
Regards Claire
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C Fleming

Unregistered member
Hi I dont know what age group you are in, and how well controlled is your Diabetes. Both your conditions, Diabetes and Angina are controlable. In the hospital situation, special precautions are taken on Diabetic patients under going surgery. Unless surgeons feel that surgery is not an option, there is no reason why you can not have surgery if its the only thing that will keep your pain managable. You have already had 4 Steroid injections. maximum are 3. It would not be a good idea to continue having Sterois injections as this has other implications on health
Hope this helps.
Good luck
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Last activity on 11/03/2025 at 23:43
Joined in 2016
26 comments posted | 8 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
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Hi there I have had facet joint and nerve route block 3 weeks ago, up to now I have little pain tho I no these injections don't cure the pain & they won't last my consultant at spinecareuk are happy for me to still have these. They have said they will not considered surgery as its too risky as you are laying on your stomach even though my diabetes & Angina are weak controlled with medication, hope I can get a few more weeks of relief at least cutting down on painkillers
Hope you are keeping well
Regards Claire
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C Fleming

Unregistered member
Hi Nanaclaire. I am sorry thast the surgery is not an option for you. If the Spinecare are happy for you to continue with the nerve block and injections, then you do what you are advised. I had a few nerve blocks and Caudal Epidural and Corticosteroid injection beofre I had my spinal surgeries. In total I have had 5 spinal surgeries and am still not free of pain. But my pain is of different type. I developed scoliosis after 3 spinal surgeries. The first surgery for Scoliosis was not entirly successful. Then I had to have a repeat of the surgery with longer Titanium rods to stand me upright. Without physio for such a long time, I lost control of my core muscles. As a result, I am now bent from my hips and unable to walk without crutches. It is this walking bent is what is causing me pain. I have an appointment with the orthotist on Monday to see if I could be fitted with a Back Brace to stand me more upright and eliminate the use of crutches. i hope and pray that it works.
I hope you get a better pain control as there is nothing worse than living in constant pain. Good luck my friend
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Last activity on 11/03/2025 at 23:43
Joined in 2016
26 comments posted | 8 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
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Hi Nineteen_gale that must be awful for you , I agree with you constant pains drags you down I hope for you that things work for you. Yes my consultant is happy for me to continue with the injections as long as there is funding is available, I do walk a stick now I feel it does help even tho I hate it but needs must. Take care
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C Fleming
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I had a hip replacement 16 months ago due to osteoarthritis. I can honestly say it was the best decision I have ever made. Yes I was not looking forward to everything post op, but I am now 100% mobile and after not being able to walk any distances I now enjoy walking again and I've managed to lose 2.5 stones. Totally pain free and I've had lots of comments about how much happier I look - my face was obviously showing my pain. If you have any questions please ask!
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Hi, I am new to this group and I have osteoarthritis, it is worst in my spine. I am having a Denervation (hope I've spelt that ok!) next week, has anyone else had this procedure? The doctor will destroy the ends of the nerves in the area that is most affected by the arthritis. I'm quite nervous, but really want to give this a go, the pain is getting difficult to manage.