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- Have you ever had side effects from metformin?
Patients Diabetes (Type 2)
Have you ever had side effects from metformin?
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Unregistered member
You could try Galvus.. It is not the same as metformin though, but I have some friends who had luck with that shift. I don't think there is an exact alternative to metformin.. But you should talk to your doctor. Maybe he has another alternative idea for you.
Last activity on 10/03/2020 at 19:35
Joined in 2014
10 comments posted | 7 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
Thanks for the advice Joshua. I have talked to my doctor about it and he says it's an option, so now I am considering :) Hope it works- need to fix this situation!...
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Unregistered member
I have diarrhoea and sickness too. I may want to change it to Galvus in the near future.

Unregistered member
Stations help too. Atorvastatin is helpful.

Unregistered member
Statins not stations
Last activity on 22/03/2025 at 22:08
Joined in 2015
I started on Metformin last week and had bad stomach cramps and runs for 1 day then it stopped but then started again on monday but been fine since so i think my body is adjusting to it.
My appetite is very poor since starting this tablet im sure i have lost weight this week did this happen to anyone else x
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Unregistered member
Hi do any of you have to go the loo frequently I have to go wherever I have something to eat even if it's a piece of fruit within 10 mins I have to go this has only been happening since I was diagnosed with type 2 and put on metformin any help or advice much appreciated thank you in advance :-)
Good advisor
Last activity on 19/03/2025 at 23:05
Joined in 2015
71 comments posted | 17 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
Good Advisor
Hello to all, I am on metformin, but have been lucky with any nasty side effects, sorry to hear it has done this to you.
If you are piddling a lot, then this might suggest that you bs, are still to high, and you may need another medication to help the metformin along, and there are plenty of them, sadly some can make you fat!? as I was told by the hospital diabetes doctor. The piddling can be given some assistance (if doctor agrees and bs levels are ok) by Kentera patches, you stick them on the bum or hips, these release oxybutynin slowly into the system to help get control of the problem. I use them but, my piddling-itus is due to an over active bladder, I have another medication to work on it as well. Metformin is the first medication new T2's are put on. Hope this gives a little help, ttfn from Karen.
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Karen Andrews

Unregistered member
My problem with going the loo is not the piddling side after I have eaten about 10 mins later I have to go for a number 2.i get embarrassdon't
f Im visiting friends and have a meal then a snack later on in the evening I may need to go a few times not a good feeling thats why i don't visit friends much.
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Last activity on 19/03/2025 at 23:05
Joined in 2015
71 comments posted | 17 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
Good Advisor
Hello kevenb, sorry I got the wrong part of the problem there. This situation may need further investigation, maybe even a hospital type one. Your 'waste disposal' system seems to be over stimulated, and every food is 'irritating' the 'working parts'.
What about 'boring non tasty food' i.e no spices, over the top sauces,and fast track food, such as rice and pasta's.
Could your doctor prescribe a suitable medication to 'calm the stomach and intestines down', your are in a serious state to lose your mineral balance and cause dehydration, which is not very good for you, sorry sound like a nag, but thinking for things to help you.
Hope you can get to the doctors soon enough, ?did this start suddenly or is it related to your medication, or have you eaten something that has irritated your stomach lining?, well ttfn from Karen.
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Karen Andrews
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Last activity on 10/03/2020 at 19:35
Joined in 2014
10 comments posted | 7 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
Hi, does anyone have any experience with metformin? I am getting terrible side effects (diarrhoea, sorry) and thinking of trying something else to control my blood sugar levels. Can anyone recommend other meds that works well? Any advice is appreciated!! thanks x