Diabetes (Type 2) Forum

  •  3,829 members
  •  14 discussions

This discussion group is dedicated to patients and families of patients with type 2 diabetes to talk about the different symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes.

Patients Diabetes (Type 2)

Medical fact sheet

Diabetes (Type 2)

Medical fact sheet - article

Problems associated with type 2 diabetes

Medical fact sheet - article

Type 2 diabetes treatment

Medical fact sheet - article

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

Medical fact sheet - article

Cause of type 2 diabetes

Medical fact sheet - article

Key figures and prevalence of type 2 diabetes

Medical fact sheet - article


 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes

Complications linked to diabetes

avatar ChizzygoldXYZ

avatar scunkbreath

avatar Liam2863

 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes

NIHR Type Two Remission

avatar seaney53

 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes

Sport and diabetes

avatar Aayawa

avatar Gefruaw

avatar JosephineO

 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes

Diabetes: Fridge temperature may make insulin less effective

 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes

Circulation problems

avatar robjmckinney

avatar Daisydef

 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes

High Blood Pressure

avatar maribar

avatar Norm62

avatar yolanda

 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes

Travelling with diabetes

avatar Margarita_k

avatar cat123tiger

 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes

Weight gain

avatar Margarita_k

avatar Pippa1961

avatar Gilda

 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes


avatar JazzyC

avatar robjmckinney

 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes

dry eyes

avatar Wenzim

avatar JazzyC

avatar steven elvin

 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes


avatar Grundy

 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes

high blood pressure and high cholesterol

 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes

Burn out

avatar Grundy

 Symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes

Need to urinate constantly!

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