Patients Diabetes (Type 2)
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You are not alone in your struggle. I also have Congestive Heart Failure as well as T2 Diabetes and have to take loads of meds. The Beta Blockers put me to sleep if I stay inactive for long periods. I am very overweight and am finding walking any distance difficult, but am determined to gradually make walking for 20-30 mins 3 times a week part of my routine by end of summer and gradually lose some weight.
I find while I am indoors, if I stay active, do a bit of housework, keep moving around etc things improve, and I am convinced that regular exercise is the way to get out of the tiredness cycle.
Even interacting on social media or doing other things at my computer helps keep me awake, as opposed to sitting reading or watching TV, listening to radio etc. because I am typing, thinking, discussing and so on.
It's also good to have regular activities of any kind. I do voluntary admin for 4 groups that meet online every month which has been great for me as I develop agoraphobia when physical problems have prevented me from getting out and about.
Nightmares can be driven by anxiety which is linked to depression. I had PTSD and had therapy (EMDR - click for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) for physically based trauma. Then of course there's talk therapy.
Meditation has been a life saver for me, and I have been doing it on and off for 45 years.
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Last activity on 10/04/2021 at 14:46
Joined in 2015
38 comments posted | 21 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
Good Advisor
Can I tell you that I suffered tiredness so bad for 3 years I spent my life in bed my quality of life was none existant.
Of course the biggest challenge was depression I worried about everything my dreams were very mixed up sometimes my workmates featured in dreams example with one employer that they never worked for everything was jumbled up.
I was once a councillor and was worrying about holding my seat 25 years after I retired one dream I remember I parachuted from a plane landed on a skateboard (which ive never used) and skilfully jumped at the end of a building and landed on another impossible in real life and woke in a hot sweat.
I bought a computer since that day my life has changed drastically, I researched my family history which has given me great pleasure, I joined a church group and my quality of life is so different I'm not lonely anymore and not depressed and loving life I know I will die early and have no fear about this at all.
I have a step child that visits regularly and does things to help in daily living her brother is my youngest son.
my eldest son helps lots too. if you try and live alone like a recluse you need to get out much more your home should be a place to sleep you need to surround yourself with support it makes a big difference its hard work at first get off your computer and go to the library and use thiers and talk to the people doing the same.
Diabetes is a terrible disease, life is shortened don't worry about it or think about it there is 24hours in a day you may have 8 in bed the rest of it live life and enjoy.
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Unregistered member
Thanks :) I am lots of meds, even sleeping tablets dont help anymore :(
No ones said anything about CBT yet should i ask about it?
I know people who are in a worse place then me but i litually feel so tired that sometimes i dont have the energy to even cry when i want too.
I do over 6 volunteer roles plus a college course plus a maths course, plus sometimes a social life and helping my parents with my sister with special needs
Good advisor
Last activity on 10/04/2021 at 14:46
Joined in 2015
38 comments posted | 21 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
Good Advisor
Darling Haze 24,
I am being ignorant please forgive me what is CBT and what does it stand for Sister?? we might refer to it as something else here in England's Biggest County.
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Unregistered member
CBT is only of any use if you need to change your behaviour. Counsellors favour it because it can save long years of therapy in some cases where behaviour modification works. I am not a therapist but I'm not sure how it applies to tiredness. It stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. It can work for something where gradually changing your behaviour changes the outcome.
It depends on the roots of your depression and whether that is a result of your past or something more permanent like bipolar. I think if you sort that out it would help you rest. If it is a cause and effect type of depression than a more proper term is suppression. It is something we do to ourselves because of the past.
What medications are you on? As I mentioned, Beta Blockers slow you down and make you sleepy.

Unregistered member
Well main reason of depression this time around is well life events, last novemeber my grandad died suddenly, then 5 months that day by bf dumped me (first proper one), Then xmas was horrible, Then i got behind on college work, then my sleeping went out window, sleeeping tablets given it worked i got better, then i meet a new guy and i thought he was awesome then he broke my heart after a month.
Now struggling alot to be honest. Meds wise PRN diazapram which i hate but have been using as been very anxious, Sleeping tablet called Ziploimine (something like that), Amimizole (which is an anti psy and can be an anti depressant), one i forgot the name but strong anti inflammtory for my bad headaches, then one which is meant to help with my stomach i been getting alot of like upset stomachs :(

Unregistered member
Haze24 the diazapam alone could account for your tiredness, if you take sleeping pills regularly they can still sedate you the next day, and I imagine most anti psy meds have a calming effect, so all together, no wonder you feel tired!

Unregistered member
Yeah just i have had enough, i dont really know what to do anymore :/
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Unregistered member
Any ideas, how to improve tiredness? Doesnt seem to matter how much sleep i get i always seem to be tired. Also i get nightmares while sleeping alot, about how guilty i feel about my depression and stuff like that.
Any ideas or comments welcome, i tried vitiuam tabs for abit no help, tried exercise on a good day that helped.