Diabetes (Type 2) Forum

  •  4,335 members
  •  13 discussions

In this group you can share your experiences with Diabetic nephropathy and tell us how you manage this complication.

Patients Diabetes (Type 2)

Medical fact sheet

Diabetes (Type 2)

Medical fact sheet - article

Problems associated with type 2 diabetes

Medical fact sheet - article

Type 2 diabetes treatment

Medical fact sheet - article

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

Medical fact sheet - article

Cause of type 2 diabetes

Medical fact sheet - article

Key figures and prevalence of type 2 diabetes

Medical fact sheet - article


avatar Courtney_J

avatar EleanorHippy

avatar Margarita_k

 Diabetic nephropathy

Diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy

avatar Mags9349

avatar Penelope3

avatar cathnanny

 Diabetic nephropathy

Treatment for diabetic nephropathy

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avatar Penelope3

avatar Margarita_k

avatar Penelope3

 Diabetic nephropathy

Kidney transplant?

avatar Margarita_k

 Diabetic nephropathy

What is diabetic nephropathy?

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avatar Grundy

 Diabetic nephropathy


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