Psoriasis Forum

  •  729 members
  •  15 discussions

Let's talk about the symptoms linked to psoriasis together to share tips, ask questions and make progress.

Patients Psoriasis

Medical fact sheet


Medical fact sheet - article

Psoriasis: Causes and risk factors

Medical fact sheet - article

Types of psoriasis

Medical fact sheet - article

Psoriasis: key figures and prevalence

Medical fact sheet - article

Living with psoriasis

Medical fact sheet - article

Treatments for psoriasis

Medical fact sheet - article

Symptoms of psoriasis

 Symptoms and complications of psoriasis

Do you have other autoimmune diseases?

avatar Liam2863

avatar JosephineO

avatar Pooks69

 Symptoms and complications of psoriasis

side effects of the drugs used to treat psoriasis

avatar Dadcoolpedro

avatar magicmick

avatar Mcentee

 Symptoms and complications of psoriasis

Psoriasis: mirrored flare-ups

avatar JosephineO

 Symptoms and complications of psoriasis

How to cope with flare ups and spondylitis

avatar JosephineO

avatar Nicolabruce247

 Symptoms and complications of psoriasis


avatar JosephineO

avatar BasilsMum

 Symptoms and complications of psoriasis

Do you think psoriasis is genetic?

avatar Liam2863

avatar magicmick

avatar Astra1547

 Symptoms and complications of psoriasis

Types of psoriasis

avatar Liam2863

avatar magicmick

avatar LesleyAnn1

 Symptoms and complications of psoriasis

Tips for psoriasis plaques

avatar magicmick

 Symptoms and complications of psoriasis

Spa treatments for Psoriasis

avatar magicmick

 Symptoms and complications of psoriasis

Is psoriasis well understood by people who surround you?

avatar magicmick

avatar Daisydef

avatar LittleWoman

 Symptoms and complications of psoriasis

Psoriasis and allergies

avatar magicmick

 Symptoms and complications of psoriasis

Psoriasis and itch

avatar happypanda

 Symptoms and complications of psoriasis

Facial redness

avatar Gilda

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