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Do you think psoriasis is genetic?
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Last activity on 22/05/2020 at 11:51
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65 comments posted | 1 in the Psoriasis Forum
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Hi psoriasistales...Yeah! my hubby has got it in his scalp bad too. He is very paranoid about it and what makes matters worse is he has got Bipolar and everything is worse than normal for him. I know his dad had it bad on his arms not sure about his scalp though. Hubby has been using steroid on his scalp for years but, it hasn't done anything for him except it has thinned his skin and the steroid has become addictive (steroid shouldn't be used for long periods) I'm not sure if it is genetic or not but, it sounds like it is. Hubby is the only one in his family who has it too. He has also has tried lots of creams that the Dr had prescribed and nothing seems to work.
I am sorry you are suffering with this condition. I understand how you must be feeling. I don't know if there is any other help. Hubby hasn't been offered anything else other than the cortisone creams and scalp application (steroid)
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Hi, I think it is genetic. My mum has it plus me and one of my brothers. Both my son and daughter have it too. We all have slightly different presentations and my mum definitely has it worse than any of the rest of us.....but the fact that so many of us have it would back up the idea that there is a genetic componant to it

Unregistered member
I have been suffering form psoriasis from past 7 years and I have Foderma serum on my arms and legs and I have tried foderma serum on my arms from 1 week and very first things that I have noticed from day one is that once I apply this on my arms I don't itch on the spots anymore, scaling has been none and red markings are gone, I feel so much better and I will continue to use this on my effected areas, I love it.

Unregistered member
Hi, yes, I also think it is genetic. My brother, sister, grandfather, uncle & cousin have plaque Psoriasis, my mother has plaque Psoriasis and nail Psoriasis, I have nail Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis but currently no skin Psoriasis.
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Last activity on 11/03/2025 at 19:05
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39 comments posted | 30 in the Psoriasis Forum
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psoriasis can run in families and be genetically transmitted it can also skip a generation . it is also linked with lupus and ME and to shingles and to arthritis in my family my gran had lupus and psoriasis but my mum did not i was born with psoriasis all be it they called it cradle cap at first then juvenile exema .i have two kids a boy and girl and they have no sign of it neither do their kids .
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Last activity on 06/07/2021 at 01:08
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70 comments posted | 20 in the Psoriasis Forum
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Yes. I "inherited" mine from my Father who inherited it from his Mother. (My Grandmother)
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Last activity on 27/01/2016 at 18:08
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3 comments posted | 1 in the Psoriasis Forum
Hi, I've suffered from plague and scalp psoriasis for years now and I was wondering if anyone thought it might be genetic. I have it and my mum has it but my none of my three brothers or anyone else in the immediate family has it (that I'm aware of.) Could this be a clue to the cause or is it just a coincidence? Does anyone else in your family have it?