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- Breast cancer: how to manage side effects and daily life?
Breast cancer: how to manage side effects and daily life?
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
Joined in 2020
1,280 comments posted | 39 in the Living with breast cancer group
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@bravest Hello bravest, thank you for opening this discussion. I'm sorry to hear you're having a difficult time with your chemotherapy. Let me tag some members who can maybe share their experience on dealing with side effects of cancer treatment.
Hello, everyone, how are you feeling today? How is or was your breast cancer treatment? Are you or did you experience any side effects? What did or do you do to manage them? How do you stay in good spirits? Feel free to share your experience and advice it in this discussion to help our member!
@Berniemary @Burgoyne @Jan1959 @Stimps @Kazchambers @Southgate1969 @Jojo234067 @Shazon @Soomeyrals @Beverley/13 @JonBella @Karenbt @Yanina @Kat1962 @janety1056 @Joey123 @lindan @Ellsbells
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity UK
Last activity on 27/07/2021 at 08:57
Joined in 2018
3 comments posted | 1 in the Living with breast cancer group
Breast cancer will rob you of everything if you let it , I have been through every emotion there is , thought I would not mind loosing my hair But when I had to shave what was left of it , I was heartbroken , then I came to love my new look , hate long hair now , so just to let you know there is an upside to some of the things that are going to change for you , I will write some more posts on my experiences ,
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Last activity on 13/06/2022 at 17:12
Joined in 2017
49 comments posted | 44 in the Living with breast cancer group
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Hi ladies. I am Breast cancer free 3 years tomorrow. I’m not saying it was easy. It was tough at times. I still get a few pains in my breast and tightness and my ribs get sore from the radiotherapy but mentally it is hard. Try keep positive and don’t be worrying about housework and trying to do everything just think about yourself. You need all your energy to beat this and to keep strong after it too.
Last activity on 14/10/2024 at 18:43
Joined in 2017
1 comment posted | 1 in the Living with breast cancer group
I am exactly the same as you but the mammogram is coming up soon and i am so on edge as that is how i found it. I just feel you get forgotten about you are in remission and that is it but there are still days with a pain here or an ache and you immediately think its cancer. i do find people do not want to talk about it and worse for me a girl i thought was one of my best friends i have not seen or heard from since the day i was diagnosed I know i am one of the lucky ones but i still feel it the surgery the treatment it doesnt go away Thanks for listening
Last activity on 24/09/2022 at 10:43
Joined in 2017
4 comments posted | 2 in the Living with breast cancer group
I was diagnosed in july 2016 and had a lumpectomy followed by chemo and radio so have been getting yearly mammograms but like u Niki I have been getting pains in my breast which can be really sore at the site where they operated and my left arm gives me grief most of the time as they removed lymph nodes and I have some parts of my underarm still numb. Dont know if the nerves will ever come back but here's hoping. It's really frustrating when u cant reach for things or carry things. But hey I am still here and it's TRUE we need to keep fighting. Most of my days I am knackered just doin a washing or housework. Doctor says it's not tiredness its fatigue due to the illness. I am on Tamoxifen and have hands and legs that get nerve pain and docs just give u more painkillers or duloxetine I'm on now to hopefully help. This had all just started since I was taking tamoxifen but since I was put into early menopause and I cant take HRT cos it contains oestrogen I'm snookered. Would just like 1 day that I'm pain free. Mammogram due this month but not had a letter so thinking it's been postponed because of covid.
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A Jamieson
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Last activity on 13/06/2022 at 17:12
Joined in 2017
49 comments posted | 44 in the Living with breast cancer group
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Hi scotzbabe. I was diagnosed with triple negative bc January 2017. Had chemo first them lumpectomy and then radiotherapy. I’m not on any drugs at all which is great in one sense but a worry in another. I had underarm tightness but found lots of stretching exercises helped. It’s fine now just a bit tender sometimes and part of my breast is numb and sensitive. But we are tough ladies and this will get easier. It is tough with this corona virus I have had two appointments cancelled but I’m sure we will get them as as soon as everything settles. Keep well and take care x
Last activity on 03/02/2025 at 21:40
Joined in 2015
6 comments posted | 2 in the Living with breast cancer group
I got primary breast cancer (Estrogen positive) in 2017 had wide local excision and axillary node clearance.followed by radiotherapy. Was on tomoxifen for 3 yrs then discovered a lump in my neck.had ultrasound and biopsy. And found out I had recurrance of the breast cancer. After a CT scan I was informed I the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes in my neck,my liver and lungs. No chance of a cure this time but I'm now on meds which they are hoping can shrink or keep the cancer stable. I was told without treatment I would probably die within 6 months but with treatment could live 5-10 years. I feel lucky that I am able to have this treatment and hoping it works for me. I take Ribociclib and have Fulverstrant injections. Get some side effect but nothing I cant cope with so far. I am now on my 3rd cycle of treatment . Wishing everyone all the best with their treatment x
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Last activity on 03/02/2025 at 21:40
Joined in 2015
6 comments posted | 2 in the Living with breast cancer group
I find doing some exercise and getting out in the fresh air help me deal with fatigue. Sometimes I need to lie down and rest in the afternoon for an hour and I find that helps. Also meeting up with family and friends so I dont dwell on things too much.try to focus and the good things in my life and what im grateful for rather than the things that are not going so well x
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Last activity on 30/09/2020 at 12:09
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14 comments posted | 12 in the Living with breast cancer group
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Hi, I'm currently going through chemo and I'm just a wreck. When I started on it, I was the poster girl for strong women fighting cancer, but now I just want to crawl into a hole and die there!
Initially I didn't have many side effects, but now as I'm further along it's just awful. My hair is basically all gone now, I'm nauseous, constipated, full of aches and pains, and just permanently exhausted. I'm sorry I'm complaining to much, but my mind is whirling with fears and doubts - is the chemo working? Am I taking care of myself properly? Am I staying safe from covid? Am I doing enough to take care of my husband and house? I'm so full of these thoughts I thought I'd share them here and maybe we can all share our fears and doubts together. How is your treatment going? How do you handle the side effects? How do you carry on with your daily life?