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Lung Cancer Diagnosis
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Last activity on 19/10/2021 at 10:44
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73 comments posted | 1 in the Lung cancer Forum
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@Tourist I am very sorry to hear this, I don't know what to say except I wish the best for you and stay strong.
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Ask the consultant if he can go on target therapy, I am also fighting terminal lung cancer and and was very ill at the beginning but since going on this drug ( mind only 5% of people can use it) it has given me my life back it’s not a cure but I’m hoping it keeps working for a few years yet. There’s also a lot of alternative medicine out there treating cancer change of diet fresh organic and read Rick Simpson book it very encouraging he’s cured a lot of very ill people with cancer. Stay positive never give up research research there’s a lot out there and new drugs coming out all the time. God Bless and stay strong x
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Last activity on 28/02/2025 at 18:00
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31 comments posted | 10 in the Lung cancer Forum
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It is 8 years since my diagnosis (Jan 2011) and surgery to remove half my left lung (Dec 2010). I have met patients who have survived more than 20 years since their diagnoses and this was long before the current options of treatment that include immunotherapy. In the last few years there has been a massive growth in understanding of the various lung cancers (there are several types), more understanding of the human genome and its impact on tumours (tumour mutation burden/genomic mutations), more targeted agents to turn off various signalling that takes place in tumour cells, changes in surgery to be less invasive (robotic and video assisted keyhole) and changes in chemotherapy and radiotherapy combinations and types of agents as well as biologicals and more recently immunotherapy. There is a lot of clear information on the Roy Castle lung cancer website under 'information', 'treatments'. There is a lot going onto to speed up the diagnostic pathway (which is very dependent on imaging, pathology and obtaining tissue from biopsies taken in different ways) but there is a lot of hope so hang onto that. good luck.
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Last activity on 16/07/2020 at 15:48
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19 comments posted | 4 in the Lung cancer Forum
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@OwenShaw @JanetteR Thank you both for your reassuring messages, it has really felt like a whirlwind since the diagnosis. He is every much keeping a brave face...
I will have a look into the books mentioned and the website. I have faith that we can fight this!
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Last activity on 16/04/2019 at 15:20
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Lung cancer Forum
My Husband was diganoised with terminal lung cancer last May 2018 he had 13 sessions of radiotherapy and it has the tumor has shrunk. He is 74 and has a lot of other issues so to come through the radiotherapy was great and gave him new lease of life
Keep the faith your brother needs to keep fighting
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Last activity on 16/07/2020 at 18:17
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3 comments posted | 3 in the Lung cancer Forum
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My mum has just been diagnosed with stage 3b lung cancer starts treatment today. Chemo and radiotherapy. I'm just not sure how to feel/think about this? I know it can't be cured.
Sorry to hear your all going through this x

Unregistered member
Stay Positive new treatments coming out all of the time . Stay Strong

Unregistered member
@Eddyyy Get as much information as you can research there’s a lot of new treatments coming out all of the time . Look into alternative treatments also and go organic if you can diet is very important stay away from sweet sugary things as sugar feeds cancer . Good Luck and Stay Positive.
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Last activity on 28/02/2025 at 18:00
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31 comments posted | 10 in the Lung cancer Forum
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@Puddskins many people can't be cured from many things - think of AIDS/HIV a few years ago compared to now as an example. Lung cancer is an area full of research in all treatment modalities across the globe and in the last few years alone, new treatments of every type and combinations of treatments have proved more effective than what went before. I heard about immunotherapy being adopted in Sept 2017 at a conference in Madrid as a result of a clinical trial and before very long, it had become the standard of care for many. Less invasive surgery, new radiotherapy types, ablation, proton beam, immunotherapy, and different targeted agents to blast either the specific mutations in the cell or block the signals that mutated cells send to other cells and stop them multiplying are all recent developments and new targeted agents are being trialled all the time. do not give up - we have to hope and do our bit to help ourselves by keeping active, trying to get enough/better sleep and eating healthily. good luck to all.
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Last activity on 16/07/2020 at 18:17
Joined in 2019
3 comments posted | 3 in the Lung cancer Forum
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Thank you for your comments. Mum is on her 3rd week of treatment tumour has started to shrink, that's made mum feel positive. Dad has low days not sure how I can get him help? I heard about immunotherapy what is this?
Mum is having 6 chemotherapy and 6 weeks worth if radiotherapy every day. Just waiting for the symptoms. She's very tired and has chest pains which is due to the treatment.
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Good advisor
Last activity on 16/07/2020 at 15:48
Joined in 2014
19 comments posted | 4 in the Lung cancer Forum
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My brother has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer and it has really sent me reeling...I hide how scared I am for him but I feel as if my world has been turned upside down...
How do I cope with this diagnosis? How do I help my brother? I'm feeling lost and devastated