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Small cell lung cancer: Share your experience, questions and advice!
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
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1,280 comments posted | 22 in the Lung cancer Forum
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@charM89 Hi Char, thank you for opening this discussion. I'm sorry to hear about your dad, I know it's hard to watch a loved one go through something as frightening as cancer. Let me tag some other members who can possibly share with you.
Hi everyone, how are you doing today? For those of you with small cell lung cancer, can you share a bit about your experience? What kinds of treatments have you undergone? How is your quality of life? Is there anything Char should know to best support her dad?
@Kathy10 @Linjit @Deedro @MissNic @Billya @Abbeylad @Lynndenise @Sheila60 @Martincarr1960 @Carol5555
And for those of you who are loved ones, can you share your experience as well?
@suzzann @Pankaj @Maxjoe121 @Searching4thecure @Madiha @Mymum70 @Mumof2 @wiffer @Janewatt @Fishingtightlines
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity UK
Last activity on 06/08/2024 at 09:33
Joined in 2021
2 comments posted | 2 in the Lung cancer Forum
Hi looked after my lovey wife 24/7 at home In Hospital bed she wasDiagnosed with cancer and lungs small but could notOperation as it was too near a heart she had six Chemotherapy The last three chemo is affected her kidneys and had to have transfusions twice as her blood was low . Cancer spread and she died 1 st September
Last activity on 06/08/2024 at 09:33
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2 comments posted | 2 in the Lung cancer Forum
LynI loved her to bits and miss Terribly her voice her smile she was a lovely wife 30 years I am Devastated I’m on my own now with my two cats . As I said I looked after for 9 months day and night the last six week all she could take was water and milk and morphine Stuart
Last activity on 10/12/2022 at 15:11
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Lung cancer Forum
Hi there
I was diagnosed in March with stage 4 cancer, in lung, liver and lymph nodes . Immunotherapy has helped immensely and the tumours have shrunk. I am now much more healthier and living life well . Good luck with the treatment.
Last activity on 25/04/2024 at 14:32
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2 comments posted | 2 in the Lung cancer Forum
Thanks for sharing your experiences both all.
My gran who’s my world and more has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that is inoperable.
It’s also in her lymph and breathing is now an issue. But touch wood has not spread anywhere else. I do daily wim hof and yogi pranayama breathing with her, which helps.
My questions;
She’s waiting to find out if she can have immunotherapy on the nhs, if this is not possible can you go private and any idea of costs involved?
Nan has been offered radiotherapy, which I would be more keen for her to try than chemo to help with the breathing. Would anyone recommend her to have the radiotherapy or hold out for the immunotherapy?
Are there any new trials out there of drugs or treatment for lung cancer?
Peoples thoughts on vitamin C weekly intrevenus to flood the system with vitamin C?
I posted a message previously but had no response? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Best wishes

Unregistered member
Hi i have small cell lung cancer that spread to my lymph nodes and liver ;diagnosed in oct 2018,I have had 6 lots of chemo and 1 radiotherapy. so far. when i asked the oncologist when people say stage 4 what does that mean he said that i was at stage 4 when they discovered it so she was suprised how well the chemo had worked i have no simptoms just a bit shaky a week after chemo, the only pain is my arthritus which is bad at moment . so the chemo seems to be working. bye for now lorraine
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Last activity on 20/11/2021 at 16:17
Joined in 2021
1 comment posted | 1 in the Lung cancer Forum
My dad has recently been diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, which is incurable. He has been offered chemo and immune therapy which they are hoping will help him live longer.
I am devastated and worrying myself sick! Has anyone got experience with this particular type of lung cancer?
Thankyou for any responses!
Char xx