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Everyday life with Fibromyalgia
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Last activity on 15/03/2023 at 17:58
Joined in 2015
Hello I am new to the site but been suffering from fibromyalgia for many years. I've now got multiple medical illnesses but keep going I think fibro does that to you. You have pain constantly but it's strange as it moves about but you also have your "hot spots" as I call them. My temperature gauge doesn't work I never know whether I'm hot or cold my mood changes constantly I am on lots of different medications any comments or just to chat please get in touch

Unregistered member
Hi I'm new to all this, just been diagnosed, I find the tiredness more debilitating than the pain most days, I'm on pregabalin, tramadol, Co drydramol, I've been referred to the pain clinic as these tablets just drug me up, I feel trapped at home as I don't have the energy to get dressed most days, I've been looking at natural medicine, yes there's the legal cannabis where the TCH has been taken out, but there are things we can get in the hedgerow, feverfew is good for arthritis, anti inflammatory, and is a natural serotonin inhibitor, hyssop is also very good. There free so why not give them a go. Anything is better than this, some days rolling over in bed is so painful, then I get excruciating pain down my right leg in the night I have to cry out. Has any one any other good natural ideas?

Unregistered member
Hi everyone. I am new to this sight, I was diagnosed with Fibro about two years ago but like the rest of us have many other illness' as well. Recently I have been suffering with sciatica and for a few weeks now have put aside my pride and am using a stick which helps with back pain and my balance problems

Unregistered member
Hi, I am 42 and was diagnosed with FM last week. I have been sick for the past two years and 2 months ago I stopped working as my bp was so low and could not stand for long and had terrible pains in my legs and arms. I also suffer with constipation, headaches, bloating of the stomach and severe cramping and most days I ache all over. Unfortunately I was also diagnosed with a blockage in my neck and am waiting to get a stint in (4 weeks). until then I will not be put on medication for fm although I am on blood thinners, colofac, buscuopan and paralief to ease the symptoms. Does this fm get any easier with time??? I want to try get back to a normal life and back to work as a healthcare assistant and have a normal day with my children of 21, 20 and 15. I am open to any suggestions

Unregistered member
Hi all I've suffered with legs like concrete and inside my legs ache so much I could cry, my arms seem to have a mind of their own and hands just seem to lose grip when they want. However my doctor says there is no such thing as fibromyalgia, how do you know when my symptoms seem so similiar as many who have wrote in? yours and ready for answers please linda30
Last activity on 28/05/2019 at 17:14
Joined in 2014
33 comments posted | 24 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
Linda30 have you been diagnosed with Fibro (not by your gp) by another health professional?
See the signature

Unregistered member
hi juju, i went to see a migraine consultant when i asked him if he thought i had got it he said possible! how where you diagnosed?hope you ok linda30

Unregistered member
Hi everyone. I'm not suffering from fibro myself but my husband is. He was diagnosed 2 years ago and has been through various treatments : bioprotiques, painkillers, physio but pain was still in and out : he has began meditation last year (suggested by his 'pain' doctor in the pain hospital !) and THAT seems to help along with daily hammam and jaccuzi sessions. If the pain has not gone, he seems to have some bearable phases in the day, even at night. Has any of you ever tried meditation ? Does it really help in the long term ??? Thanks for your answers and be your day a good day !

Last activity on 28/05/2019 at 17:14
Joined in 2014
33 comments posted | 24 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
Linda30 I was diagnosed 2 years ago by my GP, she didn't straight away from speaking to her. Used some medication firstly Amitriptyline, not on it now, and she later confirmed what is wrong. My symptoms can often get mixed up with my epilepsy and thought that's what may of caused my fibro! My sister has a migraine illness, not long diagnosed. Hope you get better answers soon and a firm diagnosis, hate being left dangling, itsure felt like that before my diagnosis, want plain sailing!
See the signature

Unregistered member
Hello ladies. I'm Melanie a 59 year old lady. I went to my GP a couple of months ago & he said my symptoms were indicative of Fibromyalgia. I'm aware this condition is difficult to diagnose but have any of you been referred for your gp elsewhere for confirmation of your condition.
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Hi am 42 and had FM for 7 yrs and up until March this year I was on Morphine, Duluxtine, Acupain, amytriptilin, etc: up to 20 tablets a day, I stopped taking all of them due to the side affects they gave me, listing just a few - tiredness, pins and needles, sickness and still in lots of pain. I am now medication free and have so much energy and no sickness or feeling dizzy Again etc:.
My full time job as a childminder caring for up to 15 children is very demanding but I love it and yes the pain is still there and some days are worse than others but I would prefer to be in pain than the 10+ side affects I had with all the above medication.
Has any one else on any others herbal tablets that they feel are really good? As it all help.
vicky xx