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Work and Fibromyalgia: Do you still work? How do you manage?
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I lost my job because of my condition. Now I take care of my children.
Last activity on 10/10/2024 at 19:26
Joined in 2014
7 comments posted | 4 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
I have finally been able to return to work after 8 years. I work part-time and fixed hours which allows me to have a routine. I find driving to and from work the most tiring part. I started my journey back to work by first doing some voluntary work to see how I could cope with working again.
Last activity on 11/09/2024 at 21:34
Joined in 2014
Hi! Im an emigrant in England... This was my dream to come here since ... i dont know... since i know my-self! so i come here a couple years to do my life, together with my husband. But now I am a Line Leader in a factoary and it is getting hard to keep up with all the stress and all the walking and special with the safety-shoes. Ive been seen by my GP but they didnt diagnose me. All my life my Gp (back in Portugal) didnt want to diagnose me because i was to young. Now i dont know what to do... They precrive me an anti-depressive medication and nothing is helping me. Im off at work because i had an injury with my knee. But the problem is just to think about returning is getting hard to dont start crying, and i dont know why or what I should do. Im only 21 year-old. Im young and every time that i complain about pain everyone starts joke about me, saying that im too weak. I start with symptoms of fibromyalgia when I was 5 years-old. No one knew what it was, every doctor said to my mom that i was asking for atention. But the years runing and it get worse. What should I do? i cant afford to loose my job, and i never claim any benefit. I have a house to pay. Can somehone help me with what I should do?
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Unregistered member
Hello anacampos.
First of all, I am happy to hear that you get to live your dream in England! Not everyone manages to chase their dream, especially not when struggling with a disease such as fibro!
As for getting diagnosed, there can be many reasons for the lack of action from your GP. Unfortunately there are still doctors who doesn't consider fibromyalgia as a valid diagnose. Do you know if your GP believes in fibro as a diagnose? You could ask directly if that is an issue, because then you could try and find another GP, who is willing to consider fibro.
Fibro is a very difficult disease to diagnose, since there are many similar symptoms with other diseases that needs to be ruled out first. So it can take years. I don't know how long it's been since you saw your GP in England about it for the first time.
More importantly, even without a diagnose, you can do some pain relief. Do you see a physiotherapist for example? They can help you with some exercises that could relieve your pain.
All the best to you,

Unregistered member
I find work is a solace for my condition - I need it to get me out of bed in the morning - as most mornings feel could quite easily stay there as its like I been hit by a truck - however getting up and going makes a difference - being busy makes a difference - sometimes the pain is overwhelming and it means I am usually wiped out in the evenings but I love my job and feel without it my condition would be much worse.
Last activity on 06/07/2020 at 18:09
Joined in 2014
3 comments posted | 2 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
Hi all,
I have had fibro for 30 years now and just recently retired due to my condition. For many years leading up to now, work was a struggle because of my pain, but I would not have missed it for anything! It gave me a purpose and the feeling of being valuable despite my disease. I can only say to you guys to keep up the good work for as long as possible !
Sometimes I would take a little break and do some relaxation exercises to relieve the pain. And I think that @armenianchick had a great idea in doing volunteer work to test how much she could handle.
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Unregistered member
Hi am 42 and had FM for 7 yrs and up until March this year I was on Morphine, Duluxtine, Acupain, amytriptilin, etc: up to 20 tablets a day, I stopped taking all of them due to the side affects they gave me, listing just a few - tiredness, pins and needles, sickness and still in lots of pain. I am now medication free and have so much energy and no sickness or feeling dizzy Again etc:.
My full time job as a childminder caring for up to 15 children is very demanding but I love it and yes the pain is still there and some days are worse than others but I would prefer to be in pain than the 10+ side affects I had with all the above medication.
Has any one else on any others herbal tablets that they feel are really good? As it all help.
vicky xx
Live your life to the full, cause you never know when that life will end:)
Last activity on 05/06/2015 at 10:50
Joined in 2014
9 comments posted | 8 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
I'm quite lucky I work from home have my own crafts business it takes longer for me to make things now but that's fine x
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Unregistered member
I have had fibro 13years controlled it with low pain meds last 4 years due to been attacked at work in April this year I am having bad flare up seen pain doc at hospital today he changed some of my meds and I hope work will alter my hours so I can return.

Unregistered member
Hi, my name is lesley been diagnosed about a year now. After 4 years of symptoms. I find it hard as people don't understand when you say your back hurts or really tired. I am married with 3 children but husband works long hours so I can work part time which does help some. Be nice to speak to peole with the same condition to rant to sometimes lol.
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Last activity on 11/09/2024 at 17:59
Joined in 2014
33 comments posted | 4 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
What is the impact of your illness on your work? Feel free to share your experience!