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Everyday life with Fibromyalgia
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Last activity on 06/07/2020 at 18:09
Joined in 2014
3 comments posted | 2 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
Hi Vics41,
I also used to take many different kinds of tablets. I found it so depressing, especially because it didn't relieve the pain enough to make up for the side effects, just as you mentioned. Now I have slowed down the intake and also trying to find other ways to relieve the pain.
I find that yoga is helpful because of the relaxation techniques I have learned. When the pain is really bad it can help me a lot to do some breathing exercises. Also I am considering trying the herb St. John's wort. I have heard that it can relieve pain too! Have you tried that?
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Last activity on 28/05/2019 at 17:14
Joined in 2014
33 comments posted | 24 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
I am only taking Citalopram and Tramadol 50mg (moved on to Marol 100mg), so probably not as many drugs as others! I must suffer more than Im letting on as I dont really want to be on loads of different meds. I do try to use a organic muscle and joint rub from a company called Badger Balm and it does help briefly, also their sleep relaxer is good too!
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Unregistered member
I have only been diagnosed for just over a year and am taking Cimbalta which does not relieve the pain but helps me deal with it some and Vimovo and codeine as pain relief.
I have some reasonable days but mostly the pain is terrible, along with other symptoms, one of the worst ones is the lack of control of my body temperature. I used to always feel cold because of my hypothyroidism but for the last 2 years I am so hot that my glasses steam up and I perspire to the point that I have to shower and change my clothes sometimes 2 or 3 times a day.
I find it difficult to pick up or hold things as the pain in my ams is unbearable, the problem is I cannot tell anymore wether the is fybro pain or something else ??????

Unregistered member
Hi all, I am new to this site and from reading through comments, also new to Fibro and all it's demons! I read your comment (Lucylocket) about temperature control and wondered if this is something others have too? My thyroid function is fine and it isn't hormonal (on HRT after total hysterectomy) yet I am either boiling hot or freezing cold and I joke with the family that my thermometer is definitely broken!
I am on an assortment of medication which helps with the pain management but like everyone often hide how bad it really gets.
I think my problem is that I 'blame' (rightly or wrongly) every ache and pain on Fibro, but as it is relatively early days for me I guess I will have to monitor things.... Is it just me or can areas of pain vary in location day to day?
Thank you all for 'sharing', it is really helpful for us newbies!
Last activity on 28/05/2019 at 17:14
Joined in 2014
33 comments posted | 24 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
Cally, pain does depend on each individual, but can say from what Im experiencing its either all over some days and vary to other parts individually another day. never a day of the same I guess. The worst and annoying pain I feel is face muscles, cheeks and eyes especially. I do feel I suffer more from the waist up and below the waist is more fatigue and on and off pain! just seem to constantly suffer in my forearms, head, chest and back!
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Last activity on 06/10/2020 at 12:36
Joined in 2014
Hi I'm dawn & have had fibromyalgia for 14 yrs so if there's anything I can help you with please. Ask !! I'm on lots of meds , pregablin , amatriptaline cocodamol & extras when my sciatica plays up aghhhhhh
i try & stay positive it's hard because my life has changed dramatically I no longer work & can't go out past 5 pm ( can't believe its me I'm talking about haha more used to coming home at 5 am in my 20s heyyyy )
even though I've lost a lot to fibro I've also gained a lot !!! 8 yrs ago I went on a chronic pain coarse lasting 3 months & I still meet 2 people & THIER partners for lunch every few weeks they've become great friends & I never have to make excuses for myself they understand its great !!!
As many of you know getting family, friends to understand is impossible sometimes & you can feel so isolated that's why sites like this are great for moral
so take care all dawn x

Unregistered member
I'm recently diagnosed and finding it all a bit overwhelming, so really helpful to hear about others' experiences! I'm struggling with the tiredness as much as the pain, and also finding that all the different pains are very distracting - some bits of me ache, other bits get sharp shooting pains, then there's that 'pulled muscle' pain as well. None of the pains are overwhelming in themselves, but all together they can be exhausting. Also had a strange experience where my legs suddenly, mid-walk, just turned to concrete to the point that I had to lie down and wait for it to pass because I couldn't walk properly. I was left feeling like I'd run a marathon - riddled with hamstring and calf muscle pulls and absolutely shattered! So the symptoms are still surprising me but I'm sure they'll settle down!
Last activity on 30/03/2019 at 19:26
Joined in 2014
5 comments posted | 3 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
hi i'm new member, my legs and feet are the worst, they go so stiff so quick pain is like bad toothache. my brain does exactly the opposite to what i want it to, i forget stupid things names, location of personal items etc, i can't sleep without waking up in pain and so stiff i don't no were to put myself. i am frightened to get help as i can't get my words out.
i used to be quite confident and loved talking to people and working, but everything is such a effort. linda30

Unregistered member
Hello ! My husband's fibromyalgia has been diagnosed last year but he's been suffering for the past 5 years without any treatment since doctors couldn't work out - despite a dozen of exams - where the pain came from ... He's now on antidepressant and has been through various diets, the last promising one being the raw fruits&vegetables diet which seems to do him good. He also practises karate 4 times a week : it's often difficult and painful to train but afterwards he's feeling rather better. Relaxing in a hot jacuzzi, swimming, having a drink in the evening ( yes !!!) and MEDITATION are also useful tools !!! But as most of you say, his pain is on and off, shifting from one part of the body to the other (or others) and sometime during the same day !! He's been out of work for over a year but he's going back today (1/3 part-time job) and we both wonder how he will cope....
I'm not the one who suffers of course but I often feel helpless and reading you is of great help. I understand better his sleepless nights, lack or loss of energy, his mood, our life without sex and the time he spends on the net rather than talking to me !!! Mind you I'm doing the same when I can no longer 'reach' him !!
Don't feel misunderstood : I'm sure that your entourage is doing its best, without really knowing how - to learn how to behave while you keep fighting with such a complicated and ever changing pain.
Have a nice and if not painless at least bearable day !

Unregistered member
hi im a new member to this site , i was diagnosed with fibro about just over a year ago and im only 21 and i dont feel 21 i feel about 80 constantly im in every day my legs are the worst some days are cant even stand up like yesturday i got out of bed to go to downstairs and i feel down the stairs because of my legs , i struggle to walk down the road on my good days , my arms hurt , aslong as i dont lift anything not to heavy the pain in bareable , my back i get alot of pain in.
i take propranlol , citalopram , tramadol
i have lost all my friends because im so ill could really do with talking to some people who actually understand and would love meet up with some people or find a support group in my area
kayla jane xxxxxxx
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Hi am 42 and had FM for 7 yrs and up until March this year I was on Morphine, Duluxtine, Acupain, amytriptilin, etc: up to 20 tablets a day, I stopped taking all of them due to the side affects they gave me, listing just a few - tiredness, pins and needles, sickness and still in lots of pain. I am now medication free and have so much energy and no sickness or feeling dizzy Again etc:.
My full time job as a childminder caring for up to 15 children is very demanding but I love it and yes the pain is still there and some days are worse than others but I would prefer to be in pain than the 10+ side affects I had with all the above medication.
Has any one else on any others herbal tablets that they feel are really good? As it all help.
vicky xx