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Everyday life with Fibromyalgia
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I am 52 and was diagnosed 10 years ago and take 13 meds a day, altogether 30 tablets a day. I struggle to live a 'normal' life due to the pain. I get pain all over which affects my walking. I have to use a wheelchair to get any distance further than 20 metres. I use to be very active and was rarely at home. Now I spend too much time staring at the 4 walls of my lounge.
I finally got to see a Physiotherapist who specializes in people with pain issues. I thought it would be like all the other physios I've seen but I was wrong. She knew exactly where I was coming from from, my first goal being to stand correctly and use my walking aids in a more effiecient way. In 3 weeks time she will assess how I've done. It sounds simple but I didn't realize how complex standing and sitting were. It was brilliant and I came away feeling very positive.
Last activity on 28/05/2019 at 17:14
Joined in 2014
33 comments posted | 24 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
That's good to hear Nicki8, positivity and trusting someone. i now appreciate the GPS I have, don't get fobbed off, got diagnosed by my gp. But just could appreciate some further help with my movement, ideas to help. Wasn't encouraged by go to attend pain management!
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Unregistered member
Has anyone tried Reiki ????,

Unregistered member
Hi all I have been unwell for 8 years and diagnosed with fibro 6 years ago does anyone suffer with palpitations dizzyness..

Unregistered member
I've tried Reiki and it was brilliant. One problem though, It isn't cheap and I can't afford to have regular sessions.

Unregistered member
Hi, I'm a mature, retired (and retiring) male. I have just put my two-penny-worth into the Chronic Pain discussion board. I don't actually KNOW what constitutes FM. My wife and I thought that my symptoms indicated FM, but when I discussed it with my GP, he really didn't want to know, and in fact, refused to entertain the notion. My pain is continuous though like many others (I gather) it does shift its centre of influence from time to time.
I have ended up (wrong term, but no other springs immediately to mind) taking Naproxen, Pre-Gabalin, Omeprazole (to cushion against the Naproxen), copious Tramadol and Paracetamol - and other non-pain related medication/s. My activity level has reduced by around 60% since the accident that triggered this problem. I read a lot, garden, walk, use photography and craft work - oh and tinkering in my workshop as distractions.
I would LOVE to believe that there is some kind of miracle cure (or even alleviant), but no longer believe this is possible/likely. So, living from day to day is the only method of coping, that and doing as much as I am able ALL the time! Any thoughts welcomed.

Unregistered member
Tyebar, Yes i have suffered with palpitations and dizzyness!!!!!
Nicki8, does one have to get Reiki treatments regularly??, how long did you find one treatment eased your pain ??

Unregistered member
Hi Everyone - I have only just recently been diagnosed with fibro, I also have crohns disease. Doctor has prescribed tramadol 50mg for the pain & amitriptylene to help me sleep better, which in theory should help with the fatigue during the day. But I work full time & always find myself nodding off at my desk, by the time I get home I am to tired to even cook a meal. Can anyone suggest anything that might help? TIA

Unregistered member
Hi all
A friend sent me this link and I thought it was interesting to read! I have lots of problems with my hands and they are often the way I know if I am going to have a good or bad day - if I wake up and they are stiff and painful = BAD day!! :0(
Gentle hugs to all xx
Last activity on 28/05/2019 at 17:14
Joined in 2014
33 comments posted | 24 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
Its my arms that trouble me, so my hands then probably wont work with me either! just hate this and I lose control and my arms get it (get a bit angry with them and hurt myself) feel very guilty for it! :( Had a look at the link Cally and Thanks for sharing! x
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Unregistered member
Hi am 42 and had FM for 7 yrs and up until March this year I was on Morphine, Duluxtine, Acupain, amytriptilin, etc: up to 20 tablets a day, I stopped taking all of them due to the side affects they gave me, listing just a few - tiredness, pins and needles, sickness and still in lots of pain. I am now medication free and have so much energy and no sickness or feeling dizzy Again etc:.
My full time job as a childminder caring for up to 15 children is very demanding but I love it and yes the pain is still there and some days are worse than others but I would prefer to be in pain than the 10+ side affects I had with all the above medication.
Has any one else on any others herbal tablets that they feel are really good? As it all help.
vicky xx