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Patients Ulcerative colitis
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Last activity on 02/04/2024 at 00:46
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280 comments posted | 5 in the Ulcerative colitis Forum
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Hi @Neville
Welcome to the Carenity community! Thank you for giving us a little insight into your journey with U.C. If you would like to post about your breast cancer story in the breast cancer forum, please do!
I hope your further test and medical visits don't find anything too dangerous!
Take care,
Lizzi from the Carenity team
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8 comments posted | 2 in the Ulcerative colitis Forum
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I am a 75 year old male and approximately 27 years ago I had my first bout of U.C. which I am convinced was as a direct result of a severe allergic reaction to Amoxicillin.
It took several months to bring it under control with Prednisolone and Predfoam. Medication was halted and all was well for at least 26 years.
2nd February 2022 I had surgery for breast cancer (I know, a feller with breast cancer!) Right mastectomy and axillary lymph node clearance followed by chemotherapy. 9 days after the first chemo cycle I was in really severe pain and my wife had to take me A&E (ambulance service not able to respond soon enough). Diagnosis was Pulmonary Embolism. For the second cycle the Oncologist decided to reduce the dosage by 25%. 8 days later I was back at A&E with identical symptoms. I withdrew from the Chemo programme on the grounds that the medication was trying to kill me where the cancer had failed. The cancer issue in itself is whole different story but not relevent on this forum (unless anyone wants the story of course).
I agreed to alternative meds because the cells they found were Her2+ which is an aggressive type of cancer cell.
Herceptin injections were agreed to and then Tamoxifen (citrate) was added to the mix. Around the time of injection number 8, 25th January 2023 I recognized the symptoms of U.C. so cancer meds are out of the window and I am now trying to get back on track with various U.C. meds but nothing is touching it.
Colonoscopy with biopsies reveals nothing sinister and my case has been referred to Gastroenterology.
Fingers crossed.