Spasticity Forum
- 1,875 members
- 15 discussions
In this group you can share your experience and ask questions about the way this condition affects your everyday life.
Patients Spasticity
Living with spasticity
Spasticity: How are you feeling today?
Living with spasticity
Botox injections for spasticity: Opinions, experiences, advice!
Living with spasticity
Lidocaine patches or lumbar catheter?
Living with spasticity
Spasticity treatments - Opinions, experiences, advice
Living with spasticity
Everyday life with spasticity
Living with spasticity
Spasticity and sport: is it possible?
Living with spasticity
How has spasticity affected your working life?
Living with spasticity
Xeomin - was this useful for your spasticity?
Living with spasticity
Do you suffer from spasticity caused by a stroke or brain injury?
Living with spasticity
Have you heard of new, non-invasive treatments for spasticity?
Living with spasticity
Investigating spasticity: your experience between two injections of botulinum toxin type A
Living with spasticity
Where is your spasticity?
Living with spasticity
Stretches and Exercises for Spasticity
Living with spasticity
Ms or functional gait disorder??
Living with spasticity
Learning about spasticity