Rheumatoid arthritis Forum

  •  1,586 members
  •  78 discussions

Start new discussions to share your experience on the impact of rheumatoid arthritis on your personal, family and professional life.

Patients Rheumatoid arthritis

Medical fact sheet

Rheumatoid arthritis

Medical fact sheet - article

Living with rheumatoid arthritis

Medical fact sheet - article

Treatments for rheumatoid arthritis

Medical fact sheet - article

Rheumatoid arthritis: causes and risk factors

Medical fact sheet - article

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

How long have you had RA? What's your RA story?

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avatar Courtney_J

avatar KPangela

avatar Pippadog

avatar Roni46

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

RA: Restless knees and pain at night

avatar Somya.P

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis: Blue badge for parking

avatar Somya.P

avatar Mandy59

avatar bridgetberry

avatar Raythebaker

avatar Jonboi67

avatar mikki59

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

RA joint issues - stiffness, clicking

avatar Somya.P

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

Which joints are most affected?

avatar YorkshireJayne

avatar Mandy59

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

Do you have restless leg syndrome?

avatar Somya.P

avatar YorkshireJayne

avatar Mandy59

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

How much fatigue is normal with RA?

avatar YorkshireJayne

avatar Somya.P

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

Do you also have a lung condition?

avatar Redsusieq

avatar YorkshireJayne

avatar LizziB

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis?

avatar Polina.K

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

Do you work out with your arthritis?

avatar robjmckinney

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

Do you use lidocaine patches?

avatar YorkshireJayne

avatar Mandy59

avatar JazzyC

avatar YorkshireJayne

avatar LizziB

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis - Advice

avatar Mandy59

avatar YorkshireJayne

avatar Polina.K

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

RA and skin problems

avatar EmmyJane

avatar LizziB

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis - Tai Chi helps?

avatar Mandy59

avatar YorkshireJayne

avatar lacemaker

 Living with rheumatoid arthritis

Dry eyes with RA

avatar Mandy59

avatar YorkshireJayne

avatar LizziB

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