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- What is the most frustrating or difficult aspect of living with fibromyalgia?
What is the most frustrating or difficult aspect of living with fibromyalgia?
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Last activity on 27/11/2024 at 18:26
Joined in 2015
6 comments posted | 3 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
Hi I think the hardest part for me is not knowing what's coming next. We all have our daily symptoms which we learn to adjust to, but it's the random ones that just appear during a flare. Since Christmas I have been falling over and that really gets me down. No pun intended.
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Unregistered member
For me the hardest thing to deal with is knowing that im ill at 31 years old i feel like im not doing a good enough job as to what i use to be able to do looking after my two autistic children my daughter is 6 and my son is 7 years old.I try my hardest but i just have to walk alot slower and take my time the children are learning bit at a time that im not well and that they need to try be patient with me. I cry alot because i use to work in the childrens school so id see them alot but now i cant even walk to school no more my legs hurt my hips hurt my feet go weak so i feel like a failure not being able to take my own children as will to school. I have to get support from either family,, my husband or the school family liaise officer to get the children to school. So ive gone from being super mum to slow coach weakling :( finding it very hard at the moment.

Unregistered member
Having to justify being unwell especially at work!!!!!!

Unregistered member
I find the pain when I'm trying to sleep the worst especially when I'm feeling fatigued too! I've only recently got diagnosed and I still don't understand it! I feel embarrassed to tell people that I've got this illness that no one seems to have any answers for? X

Unregistered member
Yeah, people don't understand how we fibro sufferers feel, unless we've been there. On the outside we look healthy, but it's hard to explain to people that just because we look healthy, we might feel like every inch of our body is in pain, which is why we don't want to meet up, or why we go to bed early.

Unregistered member
As other have siad the aches and pain and exhaustion pklus the brain fog and being so tired of being so tired. Feeling twice my age is also very unhelpful and feeling helpless at helping my Mother as she gets older. I should be helping to care for her as she is approaching 80 this year and yet she still drives 100 mile round trip almost every week to see me and help in any way she can. This makes me feel very bad!
Last activity on 28/03/2025 at 23:06
Joined in 2015
The hardest thing for me is not being able to everything I used to do. looking after kids, running house etc. now its such a struggle it makes me feel useless and pathetic.

Unregistered member
Someone hit the nail on the head for me.
13 years on.. I really miss the person I used to be. I will be 60 this year and feel ancient And look older than my years too I suppose I have managed my FM well and have managed to get pain relief from changes in my diet. The fact that I have clinical depression since getting this is the worst bit for me. Yes I take meds for it, and cope reasonably well. But and isn't there always a but I find it really hard now to feel cheerful. Life has become a drag and a chore. I miss the old me, I don't see many glimpses of her anymore. Life goes on and so do I. And yes you are right, the only people who understand are the F M sufferers. I don't tell anyone anymore there is no point.
Last activity on 24/03/2016 at 12:04
Joined in 2015
16 comments posted | 13 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
The hardiest thing for me is the fact that my condition is getting worse, I can do less and I am gaining weight due to not being able walk any distance without feeling exhausted and in extreme pain. If I do push myself I end up in bed for three days; There is no Light at the End of My Tunnel!
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Unregistered member
I am genuinely scared of my condition getting worse, i try not to let it stop me but i know i suffer after. the fatigue is terrible, went on holiday last month & felt so much better in the heat although was in pain with the walking i did, i am not letting it win, i will carry on & do things i enjoy.
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Fibromyalgia is a very individual disease and affects everyone differently. What is the hardest part to deal with in your daily life? The pain, the fibro-fog, not being able to work or do the gardening or maybe that people don't understand what you are going through?
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