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- COVID-19 vaccine: What do you think?
COVID-19 vaccine: What do you think?
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Last activity on 30/03/2025 at 18:21
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1,451 comments posted | 266 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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@whitecross1955... Today I still have a headache from the 2nd vaccination, am tired and have a minor red patch but apart from that, all is well.
My epilepsy is of more concern as I've started a new medication today.
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Last activity on 06/11/2024 at 20:25
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That is fine, Been polite, I just replied to your comment, Seems you do not tolerate free speech or opinions that differ from your own. Hopefully, we will all stay safe and well
AmbassadorGood advisor
Last activity on 30/03/2025 at 18:21
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@whitecross1955... Please don't accuse me of not tolerating free speech or others' opinions. I am on this site just like you to listen and give my opinion, whether you agree, like it or not. You're just as welcome to scroll on.
Kindly leave my name out of your conversations; I'm entitled to freedom of speech just like you.
Have a happy day.
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Last activity on 06/11/2024 at 20:25
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169 comments posted | 132 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Funny the top of the discussion reads "Covid -19 Vaccine What do you think? " and when you give your opinion and share your views,or reply to a comment you are mentioned in, you are subjected to attack. As I always post if you do not like my views debate or scroll past them..Because I share my views and people do not agree with them,report me to the admin, to get me banned It shows the mentality of some people. Like everyone I make mistakes but always willing to listen or read other views. But trying to silence me when my view does not agree with yours,just shows me your mentality. We all have health issues, What my illness has thought me are compassion and empathy for other people and myself, thankfully I am not vindictive. Stay safe
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Last activity on 06/11/2024 at 20:25
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169 comments posted | 132 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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"Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another."
– Ernest Hemingway
Last activity on 22/09/2021 at 09:36
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5 comments posted | 2 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
I’m not interested in getting the jab! I had a bad reaction to the flue jab.
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Malc West
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Last activity on 20/05/2023 at 17:07
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13 comments posted | 7 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Having read above conversations ,really believe you are not looking at the whole vaccination covid programme,and you keep the whole conversation to the vaccination programme only,thats is what you are being ask to answer to questions on the vaccination programme,not to put bad language and swear .The facts are clear to see.The recomdation is that the Covid Virus has killed over 130,000 plus.The only way we can remove all lockdowns is through vaccinations.The 100% proof that the Vaccinations are the Break of the Virus.The covid vaccine is the only way out and back to normal ,you and yes mean you that refuse the vaccine are not only stupid ,but extremely dangerous.The 1000% fact throughout the planet is the only way out and back to normal to everyone ,yes every single person on the planet must be vaccinated ,must be 2 jabs and 3 weeks after is fully immunised against the covid virus.So those whom wont have the vaccines are not only extremely silly,dangerous `and totally stupid,as it will not only kill more people ,but we will never be free of lockdown.So to those ones whom dont and refuse the vaccines are totally stupid/dangerous and will cause a delay of freedom and more deaths.To those whom refuse the jab are dangerous and you yes you will cause further deaths ,so get jabs today/monday get them now.Yes myself have had vaccine 1 in February 2021,and the 2nd April 2021 .And its done us well.So anyone whom refuses must be utterly mad and will prolong deaths and infections,so get vaccinated NOW WITHOUT FAIL.
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Michael cox
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Last activity on 06/11/2024 at 20:25
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169 comments posted | 132 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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@mikey4849 Everyone, who does not get the untested vaccines is "stupid "? So anyone advised by their doctor NOT to get the vaccine is Stupid? . Vaccines do not stop you from getting the virus or spreading it. it stops you from getting less ill if you get the virus If you believe that you are covered why are you worried about people who are not vaccinated? The biggest cause of deaths in my country is cancer over 9,000 people died from that, those who died from covid the average age was 82. Facts and figures, not propaganda should be the basis for your judgement on vaccines Every person has to make up their own minds, Calling people stupid because they do not go with your beliefs shows how intolerant and ignorant you are..
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Last activity on 20/05/2023 at 17:07
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13 comments posted | 7 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Good i got the response i was expecting and shows that was to call people stupid for not taking the vaccines but the point is its extremely dangerous for not taking the vaccine when due called for. Now i am 72yrs as well as my partner we have had both vaccinations ,1st february 21 and 2nd April 21.No effect and now immunised from covid19 but we truly know we can still get covid but it wont put us in hospital,but still carry the virus and can infect other people whom have not been fully vaccinated .Remember the word from all virologists that "NO ONE IS SAFE UNTIL EVERYONE IS SAFE" yes means every single person on the planet must ,yes MUST get fully vaccinated before we can say the virus under control and live along the virus,as we will always live with covid 19 but it will never go ,like the flu virus we live with covid 19,plus variations.So as in G7 at weekend ,they will donate vaccines to africa,and countries whom need the vaccines..But at the present our vaccinatiation programme is going along well.And we have got over 50%population with both vaccinnes and protected.. But we have a long way to go till everyone is fully vaccinated from the ages of 20yrs and above and even ones under 20yrs will need to be vaccinated before we can class our country as getting safer.Includes all care homes.But okay calling people whom dont take the vaccines are not sensible,okay if they get a certificate/letter from GP say they are not to have the vaccines due to health problems,thats okay and understand.But other people whom take up the vaccines due to principle or like corben ,say not safe,that is not sensible.Because those whom refuse on own principles are not doing good.As they will cause more deaths from virus,and make more people very ill. So unless those people want blood and deaths on thier minds ,then thats not responsible and will delay a complete removal of all restrictions. Now with the indian delta variation is infecting more ,so the only advice to those against vaccines are not sensible and only thinking themselves .Thats not clever and only advice GET VACCINATED NOW ,AS ONLY DELAY THE FREEDOM TO COME
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Michael cox
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Last activity on 31/03/2025 at 19:50
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618 comments posted | 105 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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We are all individuals and for the most part have a right to chose our own path. The average age of those dying from Covid is 81 years old, a mere 400 of the under 40s died from Covid, most with underlying conditions. Anti-bodies to Covid are now widespread we can claim we have herd immunity. Long Covid affects a tiny few people, the same affects come with Flu and ME etc.
So those who need protecting, are protected by the vaccine so we should return to some normality. Covid will always be with us and like our Flu jab us golden oldies will need a booster to cover new variants each year. A guessing game to which variant will be present ever year and sometimes will get it wrong and people will die, just like in the Flu jab. Many die each year from Flu, just a few years ago it was tens of thousands dying each year, now if we get the variant right only 5,000 die.
My son in his early thirties is not bothering to have his jab, his right, he is not mad or selfish, simply his choice. He is not threatened by Covid and has no underlying conditions, so why take the jab.
As for the third world, issues and diseases far worse than Covid are killing many more people that they need real help. Just like the failure of the NHS to treat or ignore other diseases, twice as many or more will die of cancer etc. Perspective at the end of the day, Covid was not the great infectious disease, we are now protected for the most part but we are all entitled to our own opinion and choices.
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
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1,280 comments posted | 103 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hello everyone,
How are you today?
The pharmaceutical groups Pfizer (USA) and BioNTech (Germany) announced on Monday 9 November that their vaccine candidate is 90% "effective" in preventing Covid-19 infections, according to preliminary results of their large-scale phase 3 trial, which is still ongoing.
What do you think about this? Do you plan to be vaccinated as soon as the COVID-19 vaccine is on the market?
Feel free to discuss and share in the comments below!
Take care,