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- Are you going to continue to wear a face mask after you've had both vaccine jabs?
Are you going to continue to wear a face mask after you've had both vaccine jabs?
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Last activity on 31/07/2024 at 09:28
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I have Dupuytren's whitecross, had my left hand done 3 years ago. I need my right hand doing because it is far worse than the left was. I haven't been back about it even though I was told not to leave it too late. With so many waiting for life threatening operations I feel it would be selfish. I know that they probably will amputate my little finger as it's too far into my palm, will have to see. I could manage without it if push comes to shove. Hope you get yours done soon, best of luck.
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Pamela Greatorex
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Last activity on 06/11/2024 at 20:25
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@wednesday Thank you I have private medical insurance which will pay for the operation thankfully. otherwise, I would be years waiting in the public health service. it seems it is hereditary as my father had to have an operation on his hand as well
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Last activity on 31/07/2024 at 09:28
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Yes it is hereditary,though I'm not sure who in my family had it before me. They call it the Vikings disease. So glad you have private insurance and can get it done
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Pamela Greatorex
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@robjmckinney It's Jayne, Rob, but easy mistake to make, a lot do!
I don't care about getting my life back to how it was to be honest. We're in the same boat, my cancer is with me for the rest of my life, won't ever go away even if it's treated and I have other autoimmune problems which affect my mobility and dexterity; so life wasn't full on before the pandemic! I am quite happy to stay away from crowds of people and plod along without risking my health/life by exposing myself to potential illness of any kind. It doesn't stop me from having a good old laugh, or enjoying things, I'm a positive, outgoing, friendly sort, who will get on with anyone, anywhere, always have been; but this pandemic has scared me. Several friends have had it and been in ICU on a ventilator or have sadly died with it. So, I will carry on wearing a mask on the rare occasion I'm in a shop or other place where people are, and avoid contact as much as possible. The December before the pandemic began in the UK, both me and my daughter were downed by flu, for 3 weeks, so it's a flu jab for us every year now without fail. That holiday was our first in 20 years and we probably won't get another now, unless by some miracle we come into some money!
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@YorkshireJayne Hi Jayne,
It is simply choice at the end of the day over how you lead your life during Covid. My wife has been on life support a few times without the Covid factor, in fact a it was a simple 'cold' one time. I have also sat there while doctors tried to persuade me to switch off life support, she has been at death's door many times in the last 20 years. She has 4 autoimmune diseases, getting fed up with all the new diagnoses of diseases. For me surviving cancer, diabetic and a cripple, so part of the largest group being killed by Covid.
But Covid is not a big killer, the chances of surviving post vaccine are quite good. So on balance we had enough of hiding at home and got on with our lives rather than worry about Covid. We had a great six months on the coast of Norfolk enjoying ourselves, going to resturants etc. just getting on with life. Was it worth the risk, yes, we can die at any time from plenty more than Covid. We hibenate during the winter and with luck we will be back at Norfolk in our static next year enjoying ourselves. Death is facing all of us I intend to enjoy my last few years with my wife, Covid is simply another disease in the queue, stay safe!
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Last activity on 06/11/2024 at 20:25
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@wednesday Had the operation done today I don't know how many stitches I got as the surgeon never came back as she was seeing people in her consulting room, I was awake and up walking at lunchtime, As the afternoon progressed myself and another man in the same room asked to go home as we were fasting from the night before even do we got coffee and toast twice. It seems the surgeon would not be finished seeing people until 7 .p.m No doubt when I go back to get the stitches out, I will have some words with her, she was assaying people for operations, but she could have walked down the corridor to tell us to go home, take 5 minutes of her time.
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Last activity on 31/07/2024 at 09:28
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So glad it's done and you can start to recover. Sorry to hear about the surgeon, sounds a nightmare. I had a lovely surgeon with my first op, not sure if I will get my other hand done. They should have given you a drink and some toast or biscuits. It seems they just want to get rid of you as fast as they can. At least I was fully informed at when to come back for stitches out and to keep it dry till then. I recovered very well but didn't have surgery on the palm of my hand, I will have to this time round. Hope all goes well, take care
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Pamela Greatorex
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Last activity on 15/11/2024 at 07:36
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@whitecross1955 Wow! I'm sorry, but it's attitudes like yours which keep this pandemic going. It isn't a "so called pandemic" try telling that to the millions that have died so far and their families left to grieve because people refuse to wear a mask and stop living a "normal" life! I have cancer, I have autoimmune problems on top of it, (had them before the cancer diagnosis) and staying home is a small price to pay; as is staying away from cafes and restaurants. I have hopefully got at least a good 30 years left in me and yes, I intend to live my life, enjoy it to the fullest I possibly can, but not to the detriment of others' (worse than mine) health or my own come to that. My mum died at 65 of heart failure and my dad at 75 of pancreatic cancer, my grandparents all died of heart problems or cancer, so yes they're all still huge killers... but so is Covid and to have one, plus that, is a double whammy!
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Last activity on 06/11/2024 at 20:25
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@YorkshireJayne Hope you stay well and healthy, My" attitude " as you call it is based on facts and figures the average age of a person who dies from covid ... Report produced by Health Protection Surveillance Centre on 13/10/2021
Weekly report on COVID-19 deaths reported in Ireland
Note: Data were extracted from the Computerised Infectious Disease Reporting (CIDR) system on 13/10/2021
and are provisional and subject to ongoing review, validation and update. As a result, figures in this report
may differ from previously reported figures.
This report includes data for COVID-19 cases notified on CIDR up to and including midnight on
12/10/2021 who has been notified as COVID-19 deaths
Table 1: Summary characteristics of COVID-19 deaths notified
in Ireland with the date of death from 06/10/2021 to 12/10/2021
Characteristics Number of deaths
Total number of deaths 13
Age Mean age (Years) 86
Median age (Years) 85.................
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Last activity on 06/11/2024 at 20:25
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During those 6 days, 180 people died from cancer, If you were in the hospital dying from cancer and had covid, your death was put down as a covid death, even do the reason you were in the hospital was stage 4 cancer. So-called pandemic you would imagine would be on top of the scale of deaths, The most deaths were in the following locations,
Deaths linked to outbreaks 3,455 65.1
Outbreaks by location Nursing homes 2,147 62.1
Hospital 812 23.5
Community Hospitals/Long-stay units 138 4.0
Residential institutions 103 3.0
Other locations* 255 7.4
As you would imagine the higher death rates were in hospitals and nursing homes with people older age group and in hospitals with underlining conditions
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I've been thinking about this since I had my first jab 3 weeks ago.

The disadvantages ~ facial expressions can't be seen (although this also has its positives), can't can't smell candles, new perfume etc. Saying that though it it's not compulsory this isn't really a major problem.