Patients Muscles / Skeleton / Joints
Spinal stenosis
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Last activity on 20/04/2021 at 07:12
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2 comments posted | 2 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
Hi Evie, I’ve been diagnosed with stenosis ... it is a result if pinch nerves through a slipped Disc and many other things. It’s where the spine doesn’t have as much room as usual because it’s crowded by changes in the bones , Spurs or osteophytes. I find gentle Hydrotherapy in WARM water helpful. NHS will prescribe 6 weeks for you... that’s if you’re in ENGLAND... if not insist on 6 week tryout with a Hydrotherapist .. or pay fir a. One off lesson, to kearnbtge exercises you need. That way you have them with you to do in a reasonably warm pool or a jacuzzi ... don’t be fooled by its simplicity because it really can help . Deborah
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@Evie48 @Debzhill Hello, thank you both for sharing :) I am going to tag some other members who also have this condition to see if they have anything to add.
@Julesnew @Hileena @LyKon82 @Kenny5sons @Andreab @Striker04 @laney365 @jillpne @Nette56 @hookey @BoneShaker @Redwendy @ILoveSpitz @Phuppetty @fxmasterteam @Scruffymum @Sylvery @Rosie123b @Burbage @Grandma25 @daisy1 @MightyAtom22 @DebsBrookes1967 @lillibet @Chezza1 @colly63 @Beautiful_Disaster @elliewc @JK1959 @nanajen @Ellen65 @Daffodil @Annie16 @maisydaisy60 @kirk62 @kat2015 @Marky43 @Shazla1 @Janbolina @jeni55 @templar5065 @Knighhawk @Jules2660 @Tracy-mack @Topcat1967 @Swindoniangirl @dacores @flawless_no1 @rachel1968 @DawnPMayberry @Shaza69 @masfiar @Shanjo @Rose1623 @Mummy1963 @Barbie2901 @shirleystanton @jumac07 @flo1960 @Leanna @SandySunshine
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Josephine, Community Manager
Last activity on 26/09/2024 at 20:52
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2 comments posted | 1 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
I was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis in 2011. The consultant told me I would have to lose at least 5 stone before they would even consider operating. I stopped smoking and GAINED 2.5 stone so that meant losing 7.5 stone. I have decided that although I am currently losing weight (3 stone and counting) I think as I have lived with the pain for so long now, I can carry on with painkillers. The operation does not appeal!!!
Last activity on 02/12/2024 at 00:51
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6 comments posted | 2 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
Hi, I had an operation to deal with spinal stenosis seven weeks ago & it has been a huge success. Due to osteoarthritis I had severe stenosis of the sciatic nerve & the cauda equina nerve. We didnt know about the cauda equina nerve being pinched until I had a MRI scan in last summer. I had been having nerve blocks for the sciatica for four years and as they weren’t working so well I asked my GP if there was an operation that would sort out the problem for good. The scan showed, as well as stenosis of the sciatic nerve I had severe stenosis of the cauda equina nerve plus two discs that had disintegrated. From here the problem with the cauda equina nerve became the main point, it was so pinched by bone ingrowth caused by osteoarthritis that there was only a tiny gap in the spinal column for it to go through. This was in the lumber area, the cauda equina nerve controls movement, at this low point in the spine it controls movement in the legs, the bladder and the bowel. If this wasn’t dealt with quickly then as the nerve became more pinched I was at risk of losing total control of my bladder and bowel and would likely be paralysed in both legs. Needless to say I went ahead and had the operation, I’ve had two artificial discs put in and pins and bars put in place to add strength while the discs fuse into the vertebrae. I had decompression of the sciatic and cauda equina nerves. I no longer have continuous pain all down my right leg and a bladder problem I had to do with the cauda equina nerve was gone the day after the operation. Sorry about all the waffle but the moral of the story is don’t wait, if you have known stenosis demand a MRI scan. I was a year, or less, away from becoming doubly incontinent with paralysis in my legs. Don’t put it off!!!
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P Weston
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Last activity on 20/07/2021 at 09:43
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Hi Pete thank you for your very informative post, I'm so pleased you've had the operation and it's been a big success. I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis about a year ago having previously been treated for painful hips so assumed I would have to wait for a hip replacement. The physio eventually diagnosed me although I have never had a scan or xray. When I rang my GP she said I don't need to see her, the physios know best and to go back to the GP if I start getting incontinent. However I have to say after about 6 months of treatment from the physio and doing my exercises most days I am feeling better and in less pain. I have to use a stick for walking for more than 5 or 10 minutes and take about 6 co codamol a day. I am also taking some homeopathic remedies that I researched on the Internet, I know you don't agree with this but I thought I'd give it a try for 6 months as the NHS can't do any more for me. I'm hopeful I will continue to improve using my own resources!
Last activity on 02/12/2024 at 00:51
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6 comments posted | 2 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
@nanajen Hi, hopefully you will have seen my post yesterday about spinal stenosis. I omitted to mention that I currently weigh around 19.5 stone, I’m six foot three tall. At no point did the surgeon suggest that I needed to lose weight either before or after the operation. The only mention he made was that “your a big chap so you need to be extra careful because if you fall over you’re going to do a lot of damage”!!!! I also failed to say that I’m in England, maybe you could ask to see another surgeon who might be willing to operate regardless of weight though I understand that isn’t always an option. I’m not very good at tech stuff, this post hasn’t got my name on, I’m pete55.
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P Weston
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I had a hip replacement 16 months ago due to osteoarthritis. I can honestly say it was the best decision I have ever made. Yes I was not looking forward to everything post op, but I am now 100% mobile and after not being able to walk any distances I now enjoy walking again and I've managed to lose 2.5 stones. Totally pain free and I've had lots of comments about how much happier I look - my face was obviously showing my pain. If you have any questions please ask!
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I had a hip replacement 16 months ago due to osteoarthritis. I can honestly say it was the best decision I have ever made. Yes I was not looking forward to everything post op, but I am now 100% mobile and after not being able to walk any distances I now enjoy walking again and I've managed to lose 2.5 stones. Totally pain free and I've had lots of comments about how much happier I look - my face was obviously showing my pain. If you have any questions please ask!
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Last activity on 20/07/2021 at 09:43
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18 comments posted | 6 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
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Has anyone on this site been diagnosed with this condition? I was previously being treated for hip problems but a specialist physiotherapist has now diagnosed Spinal Stenosis. The only treatment at the moment is painkillers and strengthening exercises as it has to get a lot worse before they will operate. It is already affecting my ability to walk for longer than 10 minutes or so and I would be interested to hear from anyone with a similar problem.