Patients Muscles / Skeleton / Joints
Replacement HIps
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Last activity on 03/02/2023 at 15:26
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710 comments posted | 10 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
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Hello guys,
Don't forget about this conversation. Does anyone has some advice for @Truckers mate ???
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Last activity on 25/11/2023 at 10:12
Joined in 2015
4 comments posted | 1 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
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I also have had both hips replaced, My right hip only seems to partially dislocate if I try and turn too far either way when bending over, I have always tried to stay as mobile as I can to keep the muscle strength in my legs, Once the muscles start to weaken they seem to dislocate more easily

Unregistered member
Hi, I've had both hips replaced.....First one went reasonably well....second one I thought was the same but 4 weeks post op I was doing an NHS exercise and fractured my greater trochanter bone?? That was 20 months ago, still on crutches and told it will never heal.
That I can cope with but recently the pain has become unbearable and that is hard to cope with. All the rest of my pains I can self manage. I know we cant cure anything but usually can manage it. I was fine with all the rest of my arthritis before this fracture happened but cannot find anything to manage this
It really leaves me feeling down. I wake up in the morning hardly able to get out of bed.
Hope you are all having a better time
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I had a hip replacement 16 months ago due to osteoarthritis. I can honestly say it was the best decision I have ever made. Yes I was not looking forward to everything post op, but I am now 100% mobile and after not being able to walk any distances I now enjoy walking again and I've managed to lose 2.5 stones. Totally pain free and I've had lots of comments about how much happier I look - my face was obviously showing my pain. If you have any questions please ask!
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I had a hip replacement 16 months ago due to osteoarthritis. I can honestly say it was the best decision I have ever made. Yes I was not looking forward to everything post op, but I am now 100% mobile and after not being able to walk any distances I now enjoy walking again and I've managed to lose 2.5 stones. Totally pain free and I've had lots of comments about how much happier I look - my face was obviously showing my pain. If you have any questions please ask!
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Hi I have had both my hips replaced the first in 2008 and the second in 2014. Both operations went well. Since the second one my left hip sub laxes. Partially dislocates if I try to do anything below mid calf. So cannot cut toe nails, dry feet, pick things off the floor etc etc. I have been back to the consultant and seen the xrays and its sitting correctly. Has anyone else had this problem ???