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What do you think about your current treatment?
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I take rebif but is not working. Does anyone know a more effective treatment?

Unregistered member
I started using Gilenya one year ago. I am very happy with this treatment. I used to take Avonex, but I was very unhappy with it, since I couldn't get used to the injections. Furthermore I got severe side effects from Avonex (heavy flu like symptoms and fatigue) and it affected my life a great deal. I love travelling, but it was also quite the challenge having to bring Avonex seeing it had to be kept cold.
With Gilenya I take one pill every day, I have no side effects whatsoever and it is simple for travelling.
Ashleigh0, I can highly recommend Gilenya. With that being said, of course everyone reacts differently to the medicine :) I hope you find a better treatment. Good luck.

Unregistered member
They can't seem to decide with me. I'm on Pregabalin to block nerve conduction, tramadol and naproxen. I was on amatryptalin but it reacted with other meds I'm on too. Dosage was tweaked yesterday and I actually managed a nights sleep last night :)
Last activity on 24/02/2025 at 10:50
Joined in 2014
5 comments posted | 2 in the Multiple sclerosis Forum
I was diagnosed with RRMS at the end of January this year. I am now on week 5 of taking tecfidera. I am unsure if it is working or not but it is supposed to reduce relapses by 50%. I live in Scotland and the drug has not long been released here.
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Shell =)

Unregistered member
I was diagnosed with RRMS 10 years ago and have been on glatirimer acetate(copaxone) since then. I have only had 4 relapses in this time. However my symptoms, in particular, fatigue, insomnia and pain and not controlled by anything.

Unregistered member
@Anabella - I am really curious.. How come you don't get any treatment for e.g. pain? I am not experienced with this symptom, but I think that there are treatments for this. Does your doctor not recommend it? I can only imagine that it must be terrible, so I really hope that you can get some treatment! Have you looked into natural remedies? Holland & Barrett have so many great herbs. For instance Ashwagandha, which supposedly may relieve pain and fatigue in MS. Look at it here:
Good luck x

Unregistered member
I'm on Tysabri 4 weekly infusions. Been on it year in December after my MRI scan showed I had two disabling relapses on Avonex. My first treatment was copaxone.

Unregistered member
@Danishgirl Dr's have tried all sorts of meds, especially for headaches but they either don't work or the side effects are awful. I'm partly to blame as I just get on with it and resign myself that I need to live with it. I also get these ' shock ' like shooting pains, like a stabbing pain, so pain killers wouldn't work as they are sporadic. Thank you for the link I'll have a look at that!
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Last activity on 21/03/2025 at 22:46
Joined in 2015
291 comments posted | 59 in the Multiple sclerosis Forum
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Good Advisor
Hi everyone,
I started off on baclofen but this ended up giving me uncontrollable whole body spasms (probably started with MS in the mid 1970's but really only became obvious and had no choice but to recognise and do something about this is March '13! Have since been on diazepam, initially 4mg 3x daily then asked this to be increased to 4x daily about 3-4 months ago........only takes the "edge off" my symptoms I.e. Muscle spasticity, pain, balance issues, poor co-ordination, brain fog etc and only seems to last for 2-3 hrs before I notice my symptoms returning. Have been seeing a Holistic Therapist (aromatherapy massage and Reiki) since Sept and although still benefitting from these treatments, think my MS is still "progressing". Also going to start going to a Neurotherapy Centre on return from a current holiday and going to,be assessed by a Physiotherapist - want to try the Vibrogym, exercises and hyperbaric oxygen chamber.........willing to do/try anything to gain more "control" - although not seeing my MS Nurse until mid April, she is not terribly happy re: my increased diazepam dosage and believes I should seek more active pursuance of "alternative" therapies.
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Unregistered member
I'm on Tysabri but have only had one infusion so far. I was misdiagnosed so have had the wrong treatment for seven years! At least we are now on the right path. I'm also taking vitamin d supplements as there is some thinking it may reduce the number/severity of relapses. The evidence is fairly anecdotal but it is being studied in more depth.
I also take Oxy and pregablin for pain.
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What is your current treatment and what do you think about this treatment?