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- Can i just ask what were your main symtoms of Fibro?
Patients Fibromyalgia
Can i just ask what were your main symtoms of Fibro?
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Good advisor
Last activity on 20/12/2023 at 17:44
Joined in 2016
26 comments posted | 13 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
Good Advisor
hi my symptoms are brain fog which means I forget basic things. i get light sensitivity so shy away from it like you do with a migraine. I get extremely tired so fall asleep anywhere. I get pain in all my joints that hurt like hell. I have injections where I want to scream the house down. I cant control my body temperature so even on a hot day my bones are like ice and feel like they splinter its horrific. I can get cramp in my calfs of my legs and I am proned to tendonitis with it. I can get headaches like a migraine its horrible I get stiff like someone with rigamortis its horrible. they are my main symptoms but theres over 60 of them. I can get down like depression it makes me irritable and cant tolerate people who don't understand what I am going through. for me its mild compared to a lot of people.
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n griffiths

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[This content has been moderated due to infringement of the Terms and Conditions
I have removed the m message as I don't know what threw infringement was.
Good advisor
Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 20:08
Joined in 2014
5 comments posted | 3 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
Good Advisor
I have many symptons; the main one is pain. I have very bad pain in my feet and ankles, hands and wrists, neck, back and sides. My secondary symptoms are fatigue and mind fog - I can't always follow tv programmes now. In addition I have IBS, migraine, anxiety, Costochronditius and Sjorgen's Syndrome.

Unregistered member
Thanks everyone :) I have a few of these things i did mention about the idea to my mental health worker but she dismissed the whole idea :( xxx

Unregistered member
You need to be referred to a rheumatologist. A mental health workers doesn't have any jurisdiction to diagnose physical conditions. Your Doctor should do blood tests to rulet anything else out. Please seek a medical opinion and get the relevant tests done. Hugs xx

Unregistered member
Thanks Nic,
I will do :) THanks for all your help eveyone, your all amazing :) xxxx

Unregistered member
I wake every morning with feet that feel as if they are swollen to twice their normal size - they're actually not and hands so stiff I can hardly bend my fingers and exhaustion. In addition to that, I can be in pain in any part of or the whole of my body - neck, shoulders back, arms, wrists, ankles , hips and legs, muscles as well as joints. The exhaustion is so bad I can't think straight - Fibro fog. My sense of taste/smell has changed, some things now taste horrible - just like toilet cleaner! As the day progresses I find my hands and feet get uncomfortably hot, not sweaty, but it feel like my blood is boiling, this gets worse during the evening and night. Simple light 10 minute jobs ie sweeping the kitchen floor require a rest afterwards - anything upto an hour and a half! I usually have to have a rest before I have the energy to eat dinner each evening. I go to bed exhausted, but can't sleep, rarely do I get to sleep before 4am. The severity of both the pain and exhaustion can fluctuate on a daily basis, they're both always there, but some days are better than others. One day the pains may be worse, but the exhaustion is a little better, or vice versa, or some days you get a huge whammy of both.

Unregistered member
Sorry to hear you got it so tough hun. Hugs.
I don't think I have it as bad as that but not sure if you can get like milder forms . Not sure hun .
Ta from hazel
Last activity on 13/02/2021 at 13:06
Joined in 2016
8 comments posted | 2 in the Fibromyalgia Forum
Hi my main problems are tiredness, weakness and pain in joints, hypersensitivity to light and noise and feel like walking in mist ?? Although I have not had a specific test,my gp has put my symptoms down as osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia
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S buckle

Unregistered member
Thanks Blacksheep :)
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I dont know if i have it or not, just read about it on NHS and i fit some of the things on there for it....
But there is no test for it?