Crohn's disease Forum

  •  595 members
  •  20 discussions

Post on this group all links, articles or web pages that caught your attention and have to do with the disease (treatment, medical research, therapeutic innovation, seminars on the disease or any event)

Patients Crohn's disease

Medical fact sheet

Crohn's disease

Medical fact sheet - article

Symptoms of Crohn's disease

Medical fact sheet - article

Treatments for Crohn's disease

Medical fact sheet - article

Key fIgures and prevalence of Crohn's disease

Medical fact sheet - article

Causes and risk factors for Crohn's disease

Medical fact sheet - article

Living with Crohn's disease

 Research and useful tips - Crohn's disease

6 types of foods Crohn’s disease patients should completely avoid

avatar Kaz1969

avatar jaynec

avatar paulfurniss

 Research and useful tips - Crohn's disease

6 Relaxation Tips for Better Crohn's Disease Management

avatar Tourist

 Research and useful tips - Crohn's disease

A new survey on biological therapy

avatar Jennifer.lines

avatar Margarita_k

 Research and useful tips - Crohn's disease

Crohn's / Colitis

avatar Margarita_k

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