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COPD: pulmonary rehabilitation program
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Unregistered member
In fact yes! I followed a rehabilitation program in a pulmary center for 5 weeks. I loved the atmosphere and the medical assistance. The trick is to invest yourself as much as possible. The days consist of respiratory gym sessions and also muscle reinforcements, walking, a session where you learn how to follow a proper diet and also they teach you of how to be aware of yourself and have as much autonomy as possible..... I admit that it gave me strength and courage to return to my home with confidence. I would recommend this experience to anyone wishing a dynamic and responsible management.

Unregistered member
I went to pulmonary rehab at the local hospital and felt bad as i was the youngest person there everyone was eldery i was in my 40s and we sat on a chair and moved a stick from side to side for excersise got on an bike for 2 mins, i personally could have done more, but i think it was a teaching thing, that if you can it is important to be mobile and use your muscles and do what you can when you can, i am one of the lucky ones and can do a lot more than the rehab was offering me at the time, I have aids in my home but move about it as best as i can and do ok. A lot of having COPD is down to common sense also and do what you can and push yourself a little but not to much and sit down when needed.

Unregistered member
I did the pulmonary rehab programme with Solent Trust. It made an amazing difference in my confidence to do things, and it gave me a greater understanding of how to get the most out of life whilst managing my copd. Following the 6 week programme I was given the option to join what we call the maintenance group. This group consists of people doing the same type of exercises on a once a week basis. Most importantly it gave us the chance to be sociable and we can help one another, and help new members to cope and manage. I am sure that it was pulmonary rehab and the maintenance group that keeps me moderately healthy, no chest infection or exacerbation for 30 months now.

Unregistered member
I'm actually in the middle of my pulmonary rehabilitation at the moment, I am finding it very beneficial to me, hard work and exhausting but I'm really enjoying it, I'm much fitter than I was and my breathing feels slightly better, I was put on this programme after suffering type 2 respiratory failure, I was rushed to hospital where I was diagnosed with emphasema, I also had pneumonia, I was in hospital for 10 days, I have never been so scared in my whole life and I'm lucky to be alive today. If it wasn't for my son phoning for an ambulance I wouldn't be here today, the medical team at my local hospital were amazing, I've been given a second chance in life and I'm doing all I can to make my life better, I quit smoking 10 months ago I'm eating more healthier and exercising every day, I hate having this disease but I'm learning to deal with it, I wish you all well

Unregistered member
Did pulmonary rehab last year with Norfolk Community Health and Social Care. Absolutely excellent with lovely staff. I'm stuck in a wheelchair but they found me effective excercises. Shame it's time limited. We could obviously benefit from a continuous programme but it must be down to resources.

Unregistered member
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Unregistered member
Solent Trust in Portsmouth run a maintenance class after the six week programme. There is a core group of about 30 regular participants. A combination of exercises and social after. The group pay to hire the hall, but the physios do it as part of their ongoing care to their patients.

Unregistered member
Never heard of it is this is a private medical centre how much does it cost and who do you contact for this service Regards to you all John Hanson

Unregistered member
Pulmonary rehab is available through your GP. Ask your GP to give you a referal to your local rehab team. There should be no cost to you. Move often, breath easy.

Unregistered member
I live in Totnes Devon is there a rehab near me
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Have you ever followed a pulmonary rehabilitation program? Have you ever heard of it?
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