COPD Forum

  •  2,902 members
  •  7 discussions

This group is dedicated to discussing the complications and symptoms that exist for COPD.

Patients COPD

Medical fact sheet


Medical fact sheet - article

Causes and risk factors of COPD

Medical fact sheet - article

COPD symptoms

Medical fact sheet - article

Treatment of COPD

Medical fact sheet - article

Living with COPD

Medical fact sheet - article

COPD: Patient associations and useful sites

Medical fact sheet - article

Key figures and prevalence of COPD

 Symptoms and complications of COPD

Complications of COPD

avatar Scotty 2

avatar JoyHolmes

avatar fourwinds

 Symptoms and complications of COPD

Wife can't sleep due to COPD

avatar Lynn06

avatar Scotty 2

avatar Petersson

 Symptoms and complications of COPD

Overuse of oral steroids

avatar loz1963

avatar tranad

avatar JosephineO

 Symptoms and complications of COPD


avatar CHARLIEB1

avatar Katieoxo22

avatar Stourbridge

 Symptoms and complications of COPD

Staying Healthy and Avoiding Exacerbations

avatar QUince

avatar Katieoxo22

 Symptoms and complications of COPD

COPD can’t be cured, but symptoms can be eased

avatar WillWoosgrove

avatar Loracs

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