COPD Forum

  •  2,871 members
  •  21 discussions

Post on this group all links, articles or web pages that caught your attention and have to do with the disease (treatment, medical research, therapeutic innovation, seminars on the disease or any event)

Patients COPD

Medical fact sheet


Medical fact sheet - article

Causes and risk factors of COPD

Medical fact sheet - article

COPD symptoms

Medical fact sheet - article

Treatment of COPD

Medical fact sheet - article

Living with COPD

Medical fact sheet - article

COPD: Patient associations and useful sites

Medical fact sheet - article

Key figures and prevalence of COPD

 Research and useful tips - COPD

New diagnostic method shows COPD risk higher for women

avatar Flip5ter

avatar Julie1961

avatar Caron63

 Research and useful tips - COPD

11 Ways to Live Better With COPD

avatar Flip5ter

avatar JosephineO

avatar QUince

 Research and useful tips - COPD

What Carenity members think about COPD

avatar Margarita_k

avatar Bonnieann

 Research and useful tips - COPD

Lifestyle Changes to Help Manage COPD

avatar Hayli1503

avatar robjmckinney

 Research and useful tips - COPD

Preparing for autumn

avatar Petersson

avatar Moira038

 Research and useful tips - COPD

5 tips to better breath with COPD

avatar ruth65

avatar Loracs

 Research and useful tips - COPD

Frailty Is Common in Patients With COPD

 Research and useful tips - COPD

Persistent Childhood Asthma Linked to Early COPD

 Research and useful tips - COPD

Exercise May Extend Lives of People With COPD

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