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- Very painful joints everyday
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Very painful joints everyday
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Unregistered member
I have osteoarthritis. Not RA so I do feel for you.
I've had 2 hip replacements and the 2nd one ...4 weeks post op I was doing an exercise and have fractured my greater trochanter bone. More than 2 years later I'm still on crutches and am likely to be permanently.
The pain from the fracture {that will never heal is dreadful} I'm on MST as well also paracetamol......although I'm trying to come off them I'm still on some Naproxen.
I'm lucky that when my arthritis started I was about retiring age and am married so finished work. I don't know how I would have coped if I was working and lots of people I know have little children as well. That must be hard.

Unregistered member
Things are getting worse with me and pain.
As well as arthritis in hips, lower back a fracture in greater trochanter bone etc
I know have arthritis in both knees ....they have both joined the party now
I now have arthritis in both knees ....they have both joined the party now
I just don't know what to do, I've tried all sorts of things but nothing seems to help
I take anti inflammatories so cant take creams with A. Inflam in it
A lot of tablets are contraindicated to some other tablets I take
Sorry for the moan......just getting it of my chest
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Last activity on 14/11/2024 at 11:31
Joined in 2016
2 comments posted | 1 in the Chronic pain Forum
Hi, I have rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, the pain I have every day in my hands, wrists and shoulders is very debilitating, I take MST for disc problems, and Paracetamol regul as well, but nothing seems to help, I also work part time in a care home, I am so fed up of constantly living in pain, every day life can be so difficult and I have to ignore that and just continue with my job, even typing on here is very painful, does anybody else find this a really big strain or is it just me, and does any one else know of any tricks to help with it, I also have Methotrexate.