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- How to get used to the CPAP mask?
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How to get used to the CPAP mask?
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Unregistered member
Hey Tarantula,
I also have a lot of trouble to sleep, but it is due to a problem in my heart, that is what docs say....
What mask are you refering to? I don't get what you are trying to say....
Last activity on 06/10/2024 at 15:21
Joined in 2015
4 comments posted | 1 in the Sleep apnea Forum
I'm new to all this too. I also have problems with the sleep mask and have tried lots of different ones. As I'm a restless sleeper none have been any good so have finally settled for the full nose and mouth mask as the lesser of (6) evils! I also tend to pull it off during my sleep but have no solutions as to what else I can do. Any ideas welcome.
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Unregistered member
Oh I see, sleep mask. Well I've never used one, they tell me that I have to be relaxed before going to bed, so I try to exsercise a bit and then take a bath, it works sometimes, but not always ... :(

Unregistered member
I wasn't expecting to find Apnea on here. I too am rubbish at keeping anything on/in during the night. I have mouth guards I am supposed to wear for tooth grinding, but I seem to remove them the minute I'm asleep. So Apnea related exhaustion along with massive jaw and toothache for me. Joy huh?
Hope you all find a solution for yourselves and if so pass it on.
Last activity on 05/04/2021 at 17:55
Joined in 2016
11 comments posted | 1 in the Sleep apnea Forum
Hi i was diagnosed in january after tests showed I woke up 23 times an hour. I am now using a cpap machine every night. it took about 2 weeks to get used to the full mask but now I sleep all night and wake refreshed and full of energy. I now find I can sleep on my side or back without trouble.
The mask was expensive (about 250 euro)but is made of soft silicone and moulds to your face and does not irritate at all. The key is to have a mask that does not allow any leaks of air as it is noisy and uncomfortable. The air lead heats the air slightly and uses water to keep the air slightly moist so it is very easy to use. I throughly reccommend an expensive machine with the super comfortable mask etc.
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Unregistered member
hi im new to all this so if I get it wrong could you help me out please lol
Any way my problem is I can't get used to the mask,even if I do manage to fall asleep I pull it off In my sleep.
i was wandering if anybody had any suggestions please,thanks