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Last activity on 10/01/2023 at 01:07
Joined in 2020
6 comments posted | 6 in the Skin diseases Forum
@Courtney_J Hi Courtney, I'm Zena, and i have eczema (if you didn't catch that already from my username 😛). I've had it since I was a girl, especially in the crooks of my arms, the backs of my knees, and sometimes even on my neck and scalp. I've been lucky that it's mostly seasonal, but I do go through terrible periods where it's very uncomfortable and unsightly. I'm here if anyone wants to chat! 😊
Last activity on 06/12/2022 at 00:22
Joined in 2020
1 comment posted | 1 in the Skin diseases Forum
Hi, I've recently been diagnosed with vitiligo. I'd noticed patches of skin where I'd lost colour and went to my GP who referred me to a dermatologist. I'd heard of it but I thought it was something you had to be born with, I had no idea you could just develop it. I've had a bit of a stressful year what with COVID and some family things, so the doctors thing it's stress-induced. It originally started near my hands, but with time it's been creeping up my arms to my chest and neck. I've been told there's not much I can do about it, so I'm trying to come to terms with it. It can be hard looking in the mirror some days.
Last activity on 17/10/2020 at 12:49
Joined in 2020
3 comments posted | 3 in the Skin diseases Forum
Hi everyone, I'm completley new here and was hoping for any kind of advice or just if anyone has experienced the same as me.
I've had eczema my whole life (nummular, neuro and atopic) and from the age of about 15 it got so bad I was on antibiotics about 5-6 months a year. I had a dermatologist but they are so overworked I barely have the opportunity to see them more than once a year. I have general emollients (for baths, moisturising and soap) 2 types of steroid cream and ointment (one very strong) and take antihistamines and anti- inflammatories every day. I drink 4-6 litres of water a day, have never smoked and hardly drink alcohol more than a couple times a month. I have tried high grade manuka honey which blistered my skin, I cant bandage most areas as they include my chest, face, back, hands as well as my arms and legs. I have also been dairy free for 18 months and take vitamin D.
If I have so much as a single chocolate bar or alcoholic drink, about 3-12 hours later I break out in aggressive scarlet eczema all over my face and neck, it is triggered by new food, stress, sugar and alcohol.
My mental health is spiralling from eczema controlling my entire life, and although I am no longer on antibiotics, I moisturise and treat about 3-6 times a day. I cant afford a private dermatologist and my current may take another 6 months to even see.
Has anyone got any possible new things to try or things to tell the doctor? Thank you x
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Last activity on 25/11/2020 at 21:55
Joined in 2020
9 comments posted | 9 in the Skin diseases Forum
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Hi there. I joined this site as I've suffered with eczema on and off for 20 years (the first time I remember a breakout was when I was 15). I wanted to share my recent success having had a bad breakout 24-18months ago and having had some success in treating it. Stress (particularly emotional stress), sugar and processed foods definitely affect my flair up's but the single most significant trigger I have found is..... COFFEE!. After giving up coffee after university I enjoyed a decade of eczema free skin. After receiving a coffee machine as a gift 3 years ago I then started drinking it daily only to end up with terrible skin on my hands, wrist, arms and legs.
I have now stopped drinking coffee for a year and along with daily use of Eucerin eczema relief body cream I now have strong and clear skin. As alluded to above, this is the second time I've achieved this by giving up coffee (I still drink 2-3 cups of teas a day). I hope this can help someone. I just wanted to share!!
Last activity on 22/10/2021 at 17:43
Joined in 2020
6 comments posted | 6 in the Skin diseases Forum
@GGrant I had the same reaction to manuka honey. I'd heard it was a "miracle cure" for skin the skin but it just made mine even worse! I know what you mean, trying to keep up with the eczema and have it just flare up again after you think you've finally figure out what's triggering it is profoundly exhausting. I wish I had something new for you, but I'm in a bit of the same situation as you.
Last activity on 22/10/2021 at 17:43
Joined in 2020
6 comments posted | 6 in the Skin diseases Forum
@gazgeorge That is so interesting! I wonder if it's the caffeine? Or if it's the coffee itself? I'll have to look into this for myself.
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Last activity on 25/11/2020 at 21:55
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9 comments posted | 9 in the Skin diseases Forum
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Last activity on 25/11/2020 at 21:55
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9 comments posted | 9 in the Skin diseases Forum
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Last activity on 25/11/2020 at 21:55
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9 comments posted | 9 in the Skin diseases Forum
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Last activity on 25/11/2020 at 21:55
Joined in 2020
9 comments posted | 9 in the Skin diseases Forum
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@BoneAppleTea Hi. Thanks for reading. I’ve posted some pics to show the results. I should add that the 2-3 cups of daily tea I drink has no effect on my skin , but I don’t drink fizzy drinks which of course also contain caffeine.
I realise everyone had differing triggers but this was such an easy win I would really recommend it. What’s interesting is that I first remember having eczema at 15 (a school classmate asked if someone had put out cigarettes on my arm). Aged 15 is around the time I would have started drinking coffee as I wasn’t allowed it as a child,
i really hope this helps someone as I know how miserable this condition can be.
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
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1,280 comments posted | 19 in the Skin diseases Forum
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Hello everyone,
I'm, Courtney, your community manager here on Carenity.
I thought I would open this group so that we can share our thoughts and experiences with skin conditions.
What is your story? What is your skin diagnosis? When and how were you diagnosed? How do you cope with it in your daily life?
@Gloria57 @val7312 @Hannahaol @RSKPYT @LesleyC @Chris69 @Itchwitch @SoothSayer @petersonn066 @Debbiedonut71 @Charlotte1993 @MerryBennett @teeniebeenie @Blondie74 @Florence5 @Annem6 @Barnsey @efda12 @ChloeRian
Feel free to introduce yourself to the group, ask any questions and get a new discussion going!
Take care,