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suffering with rheumatoid arthritis
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I feel for you, it doesn't go away but I hope you are getting help with the pain and tiredness.

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Hi I had arthritis since I was 7 but it's got worst when I got to 40 had a lot of surgery foot surgery and wrist and hand surgery my pain in feet got worst cos op went wrong now I cant walk waiting for more surgey

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My feet my feet have got be operatedagain

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Left foot RA
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Last activity on 21/04/2021 at 05:19
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75 comments posted | 1 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
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Does anyone know if it's possible to have Osteoarthritis & Rhuematoid Arthritis. A few years ago it was diagnosed with osteoarthritis which has affected my back, hands, feet & shoulders. I had to have an operation on my shoulder I had spurs growing through my muscle & all my ligaments were damaged & had to be shortened & the shredded ligaments had to be smoothed out. Both knees need TRK but this can't be done as I also suffer from a neurological condition which causes me chronic pain. This condition has become so sensitised that I can have no more procedures or operations unless it's life threatening. During the last year or two the arthritis in my hands has become really sore with joints in my wrists, thumbs & knuckles becoming swollen & mishapened. More recently I have been experiencing sharp pains in my elbow, knees & feet. I also have lines on my nails going lengthwise which I read was a sign of RA. Does anyone else have similar symptoms? Or heard of anyone having both arthritis symptoms?
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Shirley x
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Last activity on 22/10/2022 at 11:15
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25 comments posted | 19 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
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Hi @catwomanno1 I can relate to some of your story as I have both osteoarthritis and rhematiod arthritis. The doctors have told me I probably won't be able to walk when I am sixty a few months away at the moment but I am still walking. However like you am starting to get some shoulder issues as both my shoulders are starting to cease up and the muscles in the top part of the shoulder keep going into spasm. I suspect fibromyalgia.. Although have escaped bone erosion so far I do struggle with the debilitating fatigue which takes over at times but I have learned to adapt. When walking is painful I use my bike and partially walk and cycle. However although I think I can do things like going for a very long walk my body certainly let me know that I was foolish to do it and I practically ceased up for four days hurt in places I couldn't imagine. Next time I will take more care make sure there are lots of seats on the route and more rest breaks.
Last activity on 21/06/2023 at 16:54
Joined in 2017
10 comments posted | 7 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
I've been suffering with rheumatoid arthritis for 10 years now. It first came on a pain in my fingers and wrists and then spread up my arms to my shoulders. Winter is very hard for me.
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Last activity on 07/04/2021 at 18:28
Joined in 2015
2 comments posted | 2 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
I have been suffering with rheumatoid arthritis for at least 13 years now im only 25.