Patients Rheumatoid arthritis
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Nessie Lala
Nessie Lala
Last activity on 15/05/2022 at 17:24
Joined in 2015
1 comment posted | 1 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
Hi All ive just read an article and it says Rheumatoid Arthritis is a or can be a hormonal or psychological disorder. Also it's related to smoking.
As someone who's never smoked but has RA in every joint I wondered if having rickets could be the cause. I also read in the article that having a bereavement or intense joy could trigger the symptoms. What about stress could that also be a trigger. if so now I can understand why all of a sudden I'm getting pain randomly.

Unregistered member
I'm not sure but when I was diagnosed eight years ago I was asked if I'd experienced any major trauma recently. I hadn't but there must have been a reason for the doctor asking me that.

Unregistered member
I've had 2 accidents one in 2013 & 2015 plus really active growing up. According to the doctor this as played a major part of course plus my mums got the same condition. Just really struggling at the minute with work and alot of every day things doing my head in.

Unregistered member
I started with ra 23 years ago 7 months after the birth of my son and I was told a change in hormones could have triggered it.My wrists and feet are affected more with more tissue damage than bone damage....New tendons&loss of cartlidge but only minimal bone erosion probably due to all the medication I've taken.

Unregistered member
It sucks I know going back to see specialist soon to see what else can be done not expecting much
Last activity on 02/12/2023 at 11:58
Joined in 2017
7 comments posted | 5 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
Good morning, I'm on the bio injection, Methatrixate , steroids etc , but am still terrible in the mornings. Is anyone else the same please? ???
Last activity on 13/08/2024 at 18:43
Joined in 2017
1 comment posted | 1 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
Hi I'm new in here and was after some advice ,after months of pain in my wrists and fingers and swelling and redness I saw a extended scope practioner who thought I might have rheumatoid arthritis but I had x-ray done and nothing showed up so then I had blood test done and my crp came back as 5 but my esr came back at 38 but I also had low vitamin d level. Do the consultants go by the blood tests alone or also by examination as my hands and wrists were noticeable swollen and warm and stuff when she examined them and she made a note of this .I'm due too speak via telephone app ointment to the practioner on the 1st Febuary again as it hasn' really got any better from when I saw her last I'm just wondering what happens now ?
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Last activity on 29/08/2020 at 12:13
Joined in 2018
1 comment posted | 1 in the Rheumatoid arthritis Forum
Tried tablets, methotrexate injections and have now decided to control without drugs, apart from steroid injections like one in my hand recently when really need help. Anyone else trying diet, exercise route. I use pain killers though and tens machine.

Unregistered member
Hi I'm new to the group I got RA in my hands knees and back I had 2 discs removed I'm waiting for 2 knee replacements I'm on a lot of medication and also on embrol injections I'm in so much pain I can' get around much I was wondering if anyone can advise me on something that can help me I've been told that diet got a lot to do with it not that I eat much but I suppose it' what you eat
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Hi all I'm new to the group just wondering what you do to get through day to day. I'm finding it harder and harder every day it started in my knees now in my hands it's driving me nuts.