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Can diet impact psoriasis?
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Hi charlie,
A friend of mine that also has psoriasis recomended me a gluten free diet, he started six months ago and it has helped him a lot. I already did my research and I think that it do might work, there are many things on internet about it. He also stoped eating all kinds of meat, I am not sure that I can take that step right now lol, but definetly red meat is off. So I'll start with the gluten free part and if it doesn't work that well I think I'll try then the no meat at all.
So to answer your question I think that yeah, diet might influence a lot and you can try the gluten free diet or other which you feel confortable with ;)

Unregistered member
I will give it a go don't know is I can give up the bacon though x

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I changed to Soya Milk about 10yrs ago I'm sure that helps But, I'm sure wheat is bad for my Psoriasis. If I eat wheat accidentally ( inadvertently or have a craving for toast!) a couple of hours later my skin is so itchy I scratch till it bleeds then that area is so sore & painful. This is made worse 'cos I have a terrible area of psoriasis around my genital area. I then have to smother the area in masses of cream like betnovate or dovenex

Unregistered member
Hey @URSGIRL I've been trying the non gluten for more than a month now and I can say that like you I've seen the difference!!! I haven't tried to eat a tost or anything so I don't know what could happen, but I do feel that it has changed everything. I might try the soya thing also, cause it is true that I've read it also helps.
Glad to hear there are more people out there getting better thanks just to changing eating habits :)
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This is a diet change I was told to try:
Absolutely NO sugar AT ALL. So that's no fruit sugar either. No fruit or fruit juice.
Every day, morning and night, I have 200gms of Yeo Valley organic, natural, probiotic yoghurt.
Daily Supplements:
2 x Bio-Kult Candea capsules.
1 x high strength Milk Thistle 350gms at 80% silymarins
1 x ultra high strength 5MG Biotin (from Nature's Remedy)
I will be honest and say I haven't got around to trying it yet myself, but if anyone does, please let me know the outcome'
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Hello all, I know this is an older discussion, but I'm interested in this topic again. Has anyone found a change in diet to be effective? I've tried things on and off over the years but nothing has really helped. Does anyone know if a diet that targets inflammation would help like it does with some digestive conditions? I haven't really looked into this yet but I thought I would ask some real people first.
Thanks! xx
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@LittleWoman My GP told me about an article a few years ago that said there wasn't any conclusive evidence that gluten free diets (which are often anti-inflammatory) help. I think anecdotally people have seen improvements, but at least on the scientific side there is no clear proof. That being said, apparently nutritional studies are difficult to run as you can't entirely control what people eat unless you lock them up 😂. I'm still very interested to hear what people think, as it's clear the gut and inflammation and skin conditions are clearly linked! If anyone has tried a diet like this, please share!
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@TheBoss @LittleWoman I briefly tried a non-dairy, non-gluten diet and it really helped with my digestion and bloating. I don't think I did it long enough to see results on my skin, but I'm thinking about trying it again to see.
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Psoriasis Forum
Hi ,i gave up cakes ,bisuits, through the week only eat them on a sunday as a treat,. my skin improved i lost weight so i do believe you can control your skin problems through what you eat.
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my doctor says diet doesn't effect the condition, well not that they can prove, but he said a lot of other suffers say it does. can anyone recommend any changes I could make please. I have recently changed my cows products for goats where possible.