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- How does the sun affect your psoriasis?
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How does the sun affect your psoriasis?
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Last activity on 26/02/2024 at 13:08
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I do love being in the sun, and I love the sea, so I go to Spain ever summer with my hubby, and enjoy the sun! even though my doctor warns me all the time about the risk. But he agrees that it has a positive effect on my psoriasis.

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The sun works for me 100% ! I get out in it as much as I can as soon as summer starts and holiday abroad. This keeps me clear until around November. I recently purchased a UVB lamp and used it twice a week after Christmas to get my legs clear enough to start wearing shorts without having to endure too many stares from people !

Unregistered member
I also find that the sun really helps my psoriasis but I am quite light skinned so have to take precautions - lots of high factor sun cream, a hat and sunglasses. Normally goes completely during the summer months only to slowly return during the winter season. Also find that psoriasis affects how I tan and I often end up with white patches where it has been. I'm used to it now so do not really take any notice of the odd stare or two.
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Thank you all for sharing!
What sun screens do you usually use to protect your skin from the UVA/UVB exposure? Was it your doctor/consultant who recommended it to you or did you find the right one yourself?
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Last activity on 12/10/2024 at 15:36
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I love the sun but find the sun's strength (when it's out) in this country has an affect but doesn't completely remove it. However it does worsen in the winter months. I wonder if a vitamin d supplement may help ?

Unregistered member
Its been a bit of trial and error with a wide range of sun protection creams over the years and have included expensive brands and those bought in supermarkets as own brands. Have found Asda's own brand to be good and is reasonably priced. I reapply through out the day and make sure I moisturise my skin after showering. Some brands however, are too heavy for me and I end up with prickly heat which takes days to get rid of and is quite uncomfortable.
Have never had a recommendation as to what to use specifically from any medical person - just to ensure I use a high factor and be sensible.
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Last activity on 24/03/2025 at 14:45
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549 comments posted | 8 in the Psoriasis Forum
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Hello everyone,
How are you today? 😊
Does the sun have an impact on your psoriasis? Have you noticed an improvement in your psoriasis in the summer? And when you go out into the sun, how do you protect your skin?
@HVID55 @TYPICALRUBEN @JoJo1982 @Jenny1508 @JHitzi @Charball22 @chris75last @Jemma7 @MrsMelSerag78 @Pollyana @epain01 @Barbsmay @Inès_ra_uk198 @FrustratedSufferer @SarahWoodcock @McCaffs @Paulfan @Cameron26 @GWGvanwyk @lindajennings231256 @Jan1567 @Chels1410
Feel free to share with us here!
Take care,
Somya from the Carenity team 🌼
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Somya from the Carenity team 🌼
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Last activity on 07/10/2020 at 11:39
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Hello everyone,
Now that this long winter is finally over, we can start enjoying sunny days.
Sun can actually be considered as one of the treatments for psoriasis, as ultraviolet rays and vitamin D can help reduce inflammation. However, it is necessary to be careful about staying in the sun as it implies some serious risks, despite its positive influence on psoriasis.
What is your "relationship" with the sun? have you noticed its positive impact on your psoriasis?
What do you do to protect you from the excess of the sun - clothes and hats, sunscreen lotions, staying indoors or under a shelter?