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Life with fibromyalgia
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Last activity on 09/08/2021 at 17:46
Joined in 2015
13 comments posted | 13 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
Olivia, I also have lost power and grip in my hands. I have some tools that help but my husband helps a lot. The fibromyalgia team at my local hospital think that my fibromyalgia was triggered by a series of major operations. I feel for you missing out doing things with your children. I've been told that the important thing is to pace myself so that I don't do too much in one go And to prioritise things so that I do get to do quality things for me painting for you doing things with your children. So let the housework slip a little, change the bed less frequently etc. we have to find time for a little pleasure in life.
Jusmejeannie, try the Tai Chi but if lifting your arms is hard, just lift them a little. This is Tai Chi for fibromyalgia not classical Tai Chi. And take rests during the session. Start out doing the warm up and the first exercise and build up from there. I'm going to split me session over two days so as not to overdo it. I also have balance problems so I can't sway backwards and forwards only side to side so that's what I do.
My local hospital have been great. If yours doesn't have a fibromyalgia team ask your doctor to refer you to one that does.
Wishing you you all well.
Peewit xx

Unregistered member
Hello to all
im a fibro sufferer seem like I'm the only bloke at the moment. Still trying to understand how it came to be.today I'm in severe pain in my shoulders and spine .Tabs solpodol,tramadol,pregagabalin,amytriptyline,metroclopramide and 5 different tabs for high blood pressure.anybody know what causes it so I can make it go away.had accident many years ago and ended up with RSD/ CRPS .doctor say it is a result of this,I'm no expert I think he is wrong.truth is I don't think he can be bothered. I need to know from anyone who understands this condition.struggling to walk due to a Mortons neuroma in foot so exercise is out of the question for now.
many thanks.
Last activity on 09/08/2021 at 17:46
Joined in 2015
13 comments posted | 13 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
Callum, you may be the only man in the group because fibromyalgia is much more common in women. I guess God thought the pain of childbirth wasn't enough. Fibromyalgia is often triggered by physical trauma so your doctor is probably right. Is this your GP? If so, have you been referred to the pain clinic/rheumatology/fibromyalgia clinic at your hospital. If not, ask to be referred, I did and I have had a lot of help and support from them. On the chance of being boring, the exercise you can do is tai chi, which you can do sitting down and is good for fibromyalgia. Go to http://www.sdhct.nhs.uk/services/pain-service/reconnect2life/ for programme of exercises that you can follow yourself. Fibromyalgia is not going to be cured but there is a lot you can do to manage it. I hope you find the help and support you need.
Peewit xx
Last activity on 08/07/2024 at 11:46
Joined in 2015
1 comment posted | 1 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
hi all, I was diagnosed last year with FM, people think im making it up, some days I feel like my world is going to end. I try and get up every day and doing normal ay things but this can be hard, as I am sure most of ye know. I'm not a one to complain i try and keep my pain away from public eye, even sometimes my family , as they say its in my head but I know its not. go for awalk they say it will help but my bodyis just not able , I always feel tired no energy, back to work in couple of days after a 6 week break, looking forward to it but at same time hoping I be able to cope.
hope you a have good day today :)
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Last activity on 07/03/2016 at 16:25
Joined in 2015
10 comments posted | 6 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
Callan333 I have known a few men with Fibro in actual fact the Fibro Group I go to when I can, they have three men. One Group I attended years ago there was a Doctor who was a GP but had to give up through Fibromyalgia. You are not on your own just more women than men suffer for some reason!!
peewit14 a really good Site thank you so much .. I will definately try the Tai Chi and do what I can do.
Last activity on 11/03/2025 at 19:53
Joined in 2015
Hi I'm Philippa I have had fibro for 13 years, with the help of my medication I am able to work a full time night shift in a nursing home so am on my feet most of my 10 hour shift although I do ache like mad by the time I leave & try and keep off my feet when I'm not working. I have good days & bad day but I'm allowed to control the quantity of the medication I take so can take extra when I'm having a bad day
Last activity on 18/05/2020 at 21:48
Joined in 2015
2 comments posted | 1 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
Hi I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia in April and still coming to terms with it x find the pain and tiredness the hardest.

Unregistered member
Hi, I have been told that the chances are really high that i have fibro. My doctor is just definitively ruling out vitamin D. I've read through the symptoms and the therapist i was seeing in January had suspicions i was suffering from it.
I had a break down a year ago from an abusive job and it is possible that it triggered it. Although i remember the pain spikes from before my break down so it is uncertain how long i have been suffering. I'm only 24 so it is a little daunting.
I take a high dose of citalopram for my depression but mostly try to avoid pain relief except for the days where the pain leads me to cry. If it is a reduced mobility day i try to push through it with a lot of breaks even if that means walking 200 yards in 5 minutes. I'm not really sure if that is worse for my condition or better. No one really seems to know anything locally so i came on here for some advice and for someone who understands.
Any tips welcomed. Aph x

Unregistered member
Hi Aph, dont know if this will help, but i too was on citalopram, but this didnt help the pain. My doc changed me to amitryptaline 10mg. I was aprehensive at first so just took half the dose. I must say, they do help me alot. I woke up for the first time ever with no pain. Ok it didnt stay that way but they help greatly. They are used for depression too, aswell as helping to calm the nerve endings so pain isnt as bad. I also get a better nights sleep on them. I was advised not to push myself to hard, as this can make the fibro worse. Maybe u could try not forcing yrself to do things when yr pain is at its worse. Its hard i no, and very frustrating, but i no my limits now. I also suffer with neck and shoulder problems thru a violent relationship, so have to also take pain killers or im in agony. Hope you , and all the sufferers on here do find some comfort or relief.

Unregistered member
Hi, I'm Dean. I've recently been diagnosed with FM and Joint Hypermobility. Been suffering with pain for nearly 7 years. I've noticed there aren't many men who suffer with FM. Going through a rough patch with it at the moment, and I've been advised to join here for support. It's a horrid thing to go through, but it is a relief that there are so many friendly people here who can understand what I am going through. Thank you all :)
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Last activity on 01/01/2025 at 14:00
Joined in 2015
3 comments posted | 3 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
Hi I have Fibromyaliga and would like to talk to people and help if I can with any thing about fibromyaliga