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- COVID-19 vaccine: What do you think?
COVID-19 vaccine: What do you think?
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Unregistered member
Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly, but glad that you are on the way to recovery. I hope that the Covid test turns out to be negative, and it is just an ordinary chest infection. I presume you are on antibiotics for it.
Wishing you and your wife a speedy recovery. Take care and stay safe.
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Last activity on 31/03/2025 at 19:50
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618 comments posted | 105 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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@nineteen_gale Hi Nineteen-gale,
Yes I am suspicious of an alternative disease rather than Covid but these can be just as deadly to my wife. She normally ends up in ICU just before Christmas every year so I always observe her well. She does seem to be wearing this well, far better than me this time round but I think she is at an earlier stage. Which might be a blessing as I will be somewhat recovered to help. No anti-biotics because I have not involved my GP yet but made sure my wife has her full set on stand-by.
It started in the head and proggressively moved towards my chest over a day or so. Without half my saliva glands it is difficult to measure dryness. But I got my kit today and followed set procedures, it is now in the post in the proscribed post box, although I understand it is only about 10% accurate. The cough is unbelievably painful which I think put the chest pains not down to my heart. My wife remains my real concern, although a regular event in ICU to which she has already had one stint in the summer, I fear another really soon, many thanks and stay safe!
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Unregistered member
Thank yo for your message. I appreciate your concern about your wife, as i have been following all your posts and know her history. But are you sure that you are doing the right thing by not involving your GP and checking if you need to go on the antibiotics sooner, rather than later? Because it could make the condition worse and delay your recovery, rendering you unable to look after your wife. Of course you know yourself better than any one else and there for can make a judgement yourself. Just be mindful. Please let me know when your PCR test result comes back.
Wishing you and your wife speedy recovery. Take care, stay safe and good luck.
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Last activity on 31/03/2025 at 19:50
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@nineteen_gale Hi Nineteen_Gale,
Yes slowly recovering for me while my wife has reached the worst point and is doing better than me. I think coming off the immune suppressants has help her fight off such illnesses. Do I think it is Covid, no just a nasty viral infections that haunt us all in winter, I think Covid has distracted us from the usual health issues each winter. But I publish my various experiencies to inform on the paths to be taken, still not had my Covid test results yet. Perhaps mine has become one of the 'lost', stay safe yourself and good luck with dodging the annoying usual winter illnesses!
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Unregistered member
I am glad that you are slowly recovering, and your wife has reached a turning point and is doing better than you. Other than oral Steroids, Prednisolone, I am not on any other immune suppressive drugs. Was your wife on other Immune suppressive drugs for other conditions? I can not afford to come off Steroids for 2 years, not even miss a dose for 2 years, otherwise I would go into0 Adreno Crisis and it could be fatal
Because you have not had your Covid test result, does not mean that it is lost. On few occasions when I had the test, I was told that if I don't heat from them, than take it that it is negative, we will only inform you if it is positive. That may be the case with you . Take care and stay safe. I am doubly vaccinated as well as Booster and Flu jab. So fingers crossed I will dodge the winter cold flu virus.
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@Courtney_J no
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Last activity on 31/03/2025 at 19:50
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@nineteen_gale Hi Nineteen_Gale,
Well my wife had words with her GP last night and he advised going to A&E straight away. But my wife really wanted to look at whether she should start her stand by meds. So on balance we decided not to attend A&E and get in bed with her CPAP and stuck it out. We only want to go to the hospital as a last resort as it is the biggest spreader of Covid is on the wards. Plus twice on the wards they nearly killed her, one time a nurse decided to turn off the oxygen because she has sleep apnea and she thought she did not need it. Then on another occasion a consultant stated she did not have sleep apnea and took her machine away. On both occasions she ended up in intensive care for two weeks close to death. They even asked me to allow them to shut off her life support.
So we do try to keep off the wards as one day they will kill her and then Covid on top, ICU have always been great. So today she is much better, still badly on her chest with bouts of heavy coughing and Phlegm. I am still got the same issues and I am two days ahead of her. Her stats remain good, blood pressure, SP02, ECG all excellent, better than normal. So I simply closely monitor her with some good bed rest and see how it goes, stay safe!
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Unregistered member
Oh my goodness. What a horrifying story. I can not believe that a Dr. Can take away the machine and say that she does not have Sleep apnoea. Turn off the oxygen? Thought she did not have sleep Apnoea? Unbelievable. Like I have said to you before, you and you alone know your wife better than any one else. With you being her main carer, and with all your knowledge that you possess, the doctors should have more faith in you and listen to you. Some GPs are so outdated and get scared in case do do anything wrong, and ship you off to a hospital to be sorted out. But for a consultant to ask you to switch the life support off, is horrendous. You did the right thing by using the CPAP and managing her at home. Well done.
Wish you both a speedy and complete recovery. God bless you both. I can imagine how when you are ill yourself managing your very ill wife. My heart goes out to you. Take care and stay safe.
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Last activity on 15/11/2022 at 10:06
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Hi everyone I just read bout the vaccine I have had 2 but no booster things have changed since last year there is more varients and read recently they want to give every 3 months another jab sorry that I'm not doing as no one knows the effects long term it only took a few months to make

Unregistered member
We can only go on the Govt. advice from the virologist and the scientists, who are urging to have your booster dose within 3 months of your 2nd vaccine. It was 6 months since my 2nd vaccine that I was called for my Booster. But now they are advising within 3 months. You have to do what you think is best for you. Good luck,
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Hello everyone,
How are you today?
The pharmaceutical groups Pfizer (USA) and BioNTech (Germany) announced on Monday 9 November that their vaccine candidate is 90% "effective" in preventing Covid-19 infections, according to preliminary results of their large-scale phase 3 trial, which is still ongoing.
What do you think about this? Do you plan to be vaccinated as soon as the COVID-19 vaccine is on the market?
Feel free to discuss and share in the comments below!
Take care,