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COVID-19 vaccine: What do you think?
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Last activity on 06/11/2024 at 20:25
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According to the August report from the Health Products Irish Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA), a total of “82 reports have been received describing an individual who was known to have been vaccinated and subsequently passed away.”
“Of these, 71 were reported with an mRNA vaccine, seven with adenoviral vector vaccines and the remaining four were reported with brand unknown/not specified. The majority of these events were reported in patients aged over 75 and include fatalities often seen in the general population, such as those due to natural causes, progression of underlying disease.”
“In some cases, the individuals concerned tested positive for COVID-19. For a number of reports, the cause of death was unconfirmed at the time of reporting, with post mortem results awaited.”
“Reports describing a death are carefully reviewed. However, it can be expected that fatalities due to progression of underlying disease or natural causes will continue to occur, including following vaccination.”
“This does not mean that the vaccine caused the deaths.”
“In most cases, progression of (multiple) pre-existing diseases was considered a plausible explanation.”
Some are questioning the credibility of an Irish State agency to report ZERO deaths from Covid-19 vaccines given that the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) August report states;
“The MHRA had received Yellow Card reports of 412 cases of major thromboembolic events (blood clots) with concurrent thrombocytopenia (low platelet counts) in the UK following vaccination with COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca. Forty two of the 412 reports have been reported after a second dose. Of the 412 reports, 210 occurred in women, and 200 occurred in men aged from 18 to 93 years. The overall case fatality rate was 18% with 73 deaths, six of which occurred after the second dose.”
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Last activity on 06/11/2024 at 20:25
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BBC presenter died after rare complications from AstraZeneca Covid vaccine
ASTRAZENECA COVID-19 vaccine complications are said to be the cause of death for BBC radio presenter Lisa Shaw, a coroner has concluded.
By Chloe Davies
PUBLISHED: 12:23, Thu, Aug 26, 2021 | UPDATED: 13:15, Thu, Aug 26, 2021
Rare complications with the vaccine resulted in Ms Shaw’s death just over three weeks after her first dose of the vaccine.
The presenter complained of headaches after her first jab, and was admitted to hospital where doctors later found a haemorrhage on her brain.
Aged 44, the BBC presenter was treated for blood clots and bleeding in intensive care before passing away at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, an inquest has been heard.
People aged under 40 in the UK have been offered alternatives to the AstraZeneca jab following the report of rare side effects.
The severe headaches experienced by Ms Shaw kicked in around a week after she received her first dose of the AstraZeneca jab, and her condition worsened in the days following.
The inquest which took place on Thursday, with Newcastle coroner Karen Dilks heard that Ms Shaw died following treatment in intensive care for blood clots and bleeding.

Unregistered member
Very sorry to hear about the death of Lisa Shaw, It is very sad indeed. I had Astra Zenica. I was fine after the 1st dose. 10 days following the 2nd dose, I developed severe headaches for nearly 2 weeks. i did go the A&E and got checked out. Had a CT scan for blood colts and a blood test. Fortunately all was clear and the headaches subsided of their own accord. May be headaches were stress related, as that was the time my husband was seriously ill in the ITU with blood Sepsis, not related to the Pfizer vaccine he had
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Last activity on 30/03/2025 at 18:21
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@nineteen_gale... Am also sorry to hear about the death of Lisa Shaw and remember you mentioning headaches. I had both doses of Astra Zeneca and felt fine after 2nd dose apart from a sore arm.
I hope your husband is doing a bit better now and your stress level has lowered.
Thinking of you both.
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Last activity on 31/03/2025 at 19:08
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I am very sorry to hear anout the passing of lisa shaw my thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends I hope your husband is doing much better now I had two jabs of the Pfizer I was lucky I had a headache for a day and a sore arm but after that I felt fine God bless you both love Tiger xxx
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mr chipps
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mr chipps
Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 21:05
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It's very sad that Lisa Shaw passed away possibly due to the arstrazenica vaccine , and possibly other health issues?
But I can only heap praise on the creators .
I am very vulnerable and had 3 blood clots in each lung 3 years ago
So my thinking tells me, that the vaccine could have affected me and I I possibly got some more blood clots in my lungs?
But thankfully I am well and only had minor side effects or about 48 hours.
Rest in peace Lisa Shaw
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singing poet man

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Thank you lesmal, Tigger and Mr. Chips Yes, I was lucky, that despite severe headaches for 15 days post 2nd dose of AZ vaccine, I was cleared from having blood clots. Mr. Chips. with your past history of blood clots in your lung, you were very fortunate that you were okay after your vaccine. Thank the Lord Almighty. Yes my husband is doing much better now apart from being very weak frail and tired all the time, but is holding his own. I am his main care provider. Take care every one and stay safe Apparently, there is a national shortage of blood tubes, and we are asked to cancel our appointments for blood test if its not urgent, and remake it for a later date. The extreme shortage of lorry drivers is causing havoc in the delivery of all the products.
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Last activity on 06/11/2024 at 20:25
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Happy to read all those on this site have no serious side effects after the vaccines, Two die in Japan after shots from suspended Moderna vaccines - Japan govt
Reuters ..... Received this 2 days ago .....David Bird
I have something important to say. My sister died today, not of Covid, but of untreated Lupus complications. She was repeatedly refused treatment during the hospital lockdowns where no one except Covid patients could receive life-saving treatment. Please RT, if you are angry

Unregistered member
Very sorry for your loss Whitecross. It was a great shame that your sister did not go to another hospital for treatment for Lupus. i have no words to to express the sorrow you must feel. All I can say that May God Rest her Soul in Peace, and may eternal light shine up on her. Amen
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Last activity on 30/03/2025 at 18:21
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@whitecross1955... Sorry for your loss... I cannot believe she was refused treatment point blank... Other hospitals could have been contacted depending where she was based; also emergency services seldom refuse treatment to anyone.
Also by the use of RT, I presume you mean 'retweet' which makes me think this was a tweet on Twitter?
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Hello everyone,
How are you today?
The pharmaceutical groups Pfizer (USA) and BioNTech (Germany) announced on Monday 9 November that their vaccine candidate is 90% "effective" in preventing Covid-19 infections, according to preliminary results of their large-scale phase 3 trial, which is still ongoing.
What do you think about this? Do you plan to be vaccinated as soon as the COVID-19 vaccine is on the market?
Feel free to discuss and share in the comments below!
Take care,