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- COVID-19: Should we fear a second wave?
COVID-19: Should we fear a second wave?
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Last activity on 01/11/2020 at 13:31
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9 comments posted | 3 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
Ninteen-gale yes i had stroke august and was in middle of learning how too walk at time codvid struck so unfortunately i had too leave my physi fron home and so therefore my garden is my only place i can get too as my walking not that good sadly but i sit in garden and go in pool so i get some walking in but i will stay safe and you too
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Last activity on 28/03/2025 at 11:36
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My sincere apologies for not responding to anyone over the last 3 weeks... My laptop packed up and I only had my mobile for communication. I've now managed to get my fingers back on a keyboard at long last!
I hope you are all coping as best as can be expected during this time; we're all worried about the situation but one day at a time is my motto.
Keep those hands washed, wear your masks (those that are able), and remember to keep that distance between others... I visited Belfast City recently and it's like a 'ghost town'; terribly quiet but was pleased to see those wearing masks and abiding by the rules.
Stay safe and keep healthy!
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mr chipps
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mr chipps
Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 21:05
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i know that we are at present going through a second wave and unless the stupid people get a grip and start social distancing more often ,we will have a third wave and even more innocent people will be take well before they should be. simply look at the actions of those crowds in London and Liverpool start plying fair, ten even if we get vaccines, more will die innocently. I believe that letting people hold demonstrations in their thousands was wrong and that some people are only interested in themselves and believe that they are immune.
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singing poet man

Unregistered member
I agree with you Mr. Chipps. It is the people like that that ruine for everyone else. What can you say? If they are not worried about their own lives, and they think that they will never get it, they are certainly ruining lives of other people who are following the rules. It takes all sorts to make this world. May be if they lost someone to virus from theior own family, may be they would think different
mr chipps
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mr chipps
Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 21:05
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Nineteen_Gale i often wonder if some people will ever change their selfish ways even if they lost someone to Covid19. or continue to think of themselves and blame the loved ones for getting the virus. some people simply don't think rules apply to themselves. i have had several deaths in my own family from various reasons and i know from experience that a bereavement will either bring people closer, or tear them apart, as families and make some of them, only think how they can profit from others losses
i wont feel safe until I have had a second vaccine. and given it time to work? i want to move on in my life, butt am afraid that someone will pass it onto me .
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singing poet man
mr chipps
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mr chipps
Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 21:05
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355 comments posted | 213 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Goldilox, i had a massive embolisms in both lungs 2 years ago and was lucky, it had.nt been a stroke, or another heart attack, which would have been my 4th.and could have killed me. because of long term health issues including prostate Cancer, i had to shield for 16 week during the first lockdown and wasn't able to even go for walks.
so now i am prepared in case we have to shield again, i have bought myself a min-treadmill, that folds away, it will be great to help me exercise through the winter, i also do yoga on zoom, with a yoga group
i wish you well in your recovery and hope that you re soon well and strong again?
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singing poet man
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Last activity on 08/02/2022 at 18:11
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43 comments posted | 9 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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yes I fear that we will be in lock down people are not taking it serious
I was in a shopping estate near the toilets
18 people went in NOT 1 used the sanitizer .disgusting ...
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Terry Grady

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Doctors classify asthma into four main stages. How do the symptoms and treatments for each stage differ?
Asthma is a common, long-term condition that affects a person’s airways. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 8.1 percentTrusted Source of adults and 8.4 percent of children in the United States have asthma. This article explores the symptoms and treatments at each asthma stage.
[Link removed for violation of community standards]
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
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1,280 comments posted | 103 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hello everyone,
How are you today?
As countries throughout the world are and have been coming out of lockdown and life is begining to return to "normal", many people and health authorities have begun to ask the question: Will there be a second wave of COVID-19?
And you, what do you think? Do you think we will see a second wave of COVID-19 outbreak? What should we do to prevent a resurgence?
Feel free to share and discuss any doubts, fears, and feelings you may be having in the comments!
Take care,