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- COVID-19: Should we fear a second wave?
COVID-19: Should we fear a second wave?
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Last activity on 05/10/2021 at 10:58
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14 comments posted | 1 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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@Courtney_J I am rather worried about this I have to admit. I've seen so many people not respecting social distance or half wearing their masks...I'm really hoping that we can make some progress on a vaccine before the fall. I'm not sure the world can handle another lockdown. Keeping my fingers crossed and thinking of all the brave NHS staff working through all of this.

Unregistered member
There will be a second wave, the governments, particularly in UK will make sure of it. I'm against wearing masks, haven't worn one yet, don't intend to, Yes, they stop cough and sneeze droplets but if people are naive to believe they can stop a nano-sized virus spore getting through they are mistaken. There has been a nasty 'flu bug which, incidently has killed far less people than initially thought - the British government have admitted that. The Office for National Statistics 'Covid-19' graph shows that the 'virus' never got anywhere close to the seasonal 'flu average. I'm old enough to have lived through proper epidemics and pandemics, and this isn't one, it's been hyped up by the media, press and governments. Yes, I know someone who has had it, two people in fact and they were poorly, one of them had several co-morbidities, thankfully they are well now.
Influenza has killed tens of thousands in the UK every year, it's a cycle going back long before records started, this CV-19 is no different, It's all about control and money. It's about global dominance.
The NHS - Through draconian measures handed down to them, the people who work in the Health service have had to cancel millions of operations, consultations and treatments which will eventually kill far more people that the flu, I have multiple conditions, one of them life-threatening, I was due follow up scans and tests, I can't even speak to anyone from that dept, let alone make a fresh appointment. Have you not seen the Tik Tok videos?
Do you really want a vaccine that will alter your DNA - permanently? I don't. I take Biogenic medicine and the type of vaccine they ( government& Bill Gates) are talking about have the ability to either permanently damage me, or kill me.
Stop watching mainstream news, do your own research
Last activity on 29/10/2022 at 09:27
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I think a second wave is inevitable, spain and france are now seeing big spikes and now people who travel to spain must quauntine for 2 weeks . Dont think they will on the whole ,temperature checks are not happening at airports .so i think we are gonna get big numbers soon .
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Last activity on 08/02/2022 at 18:11
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Tezza says I'm afraid that I think that it will be with us again No matter what is said nobody is taking it
Serious really no firm information advice and guidance from the top say one thing then do the opposite
We are currently worried about it young people especially think it has gone away.
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Terry Grady
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Last activity on 24/03/2025 at 13:11
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Frightening, a second wave and the flu season, I think even bigger numbers will die over the winter as you also see many older people with pneumonia.
I am not certain the nhs will cope.
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Last activity on 24/03/2025 at 16:44
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I wouldn't be surprised if the second wave of covid19. does return because we have so many people in denial, the invisible disease won't get me so let's herd. Others that won't follow guidelines to prevent the spread of it. This is a new disease with some similarities of post-infections neither the less it requires a learning curve for all, this disease, can be lethal. We hear of some people refusing to wear a mask because they think it will not stop the spread of the disease but they could stop some of the germs, others feel they cannot breathe very well but it has been proven one's oxygen levels does not decrease even with six masks on. It makes one think do they not wash their hand correctly???? we all have to do our part to suppress COVID 19.
Last activity on 30/12/2023 at 15:19
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I live in N E Wales and the virus was in decline then 2weeks ago our idiotic government decided to open our borders and parks, I work for 1 of our well known parks as a ranger and seen our parks flooded with people from across the border they don't take any precautions they come in their hoards if the car parks are full they park on the pavements block roads and driveways if we politely ask them to socially distance we get abused,saying that we have had a huge spike in the virus and been asked to stay away from our hospitals as they are struggling to cope again.I think the 2nd wave has started again close all borders now before it gets worse

Unregistered member
The second wave is inevitable. it has already started in France Spain and Germany In England Leicester is in lock down again and some parts of Birmingham and I think Bradford too. There are some very irresponsible people who don't take the virus seriously, don't follow the guidelines and put a lot of people at risk. If we were locked down much earlier and started wearing of masks earlier, the spread wouldn't have been so extensive. Now that the Government is easing the locked down and opening up the country again, in order to get the economy going for the country rather than saving lives, the second wave is most certainly imminent. No one likes wearing a mask. But whether you like it or not, we have to wear one, not just to protect ourselves but also to protect others. But I am afraid, not all people think that way. it is rather sad.
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I do fear a second spike of this dreadful virus. I have noticed and heard people who seem to think it has already gone. I don't think anyone will feel safe until we have a valid and trusted vaccine
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Pamela Greatorex

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Have no fear I believe that a second or even third wave is on the way. Who really knows?? You cannot just say, two waves and that's that.
We don't know how this virus really works?? We need to follow the scientists advice, until a tried and tested vaccine has been developed.
Social distancing is the 'key', don't get too close to other people, you have no idea what they may be carrying. Personal hygiene is a must, wash your hands regularly, use the anti bacterial gel. Whatever you need to STAY SAFE.
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Hello everyone,
How are you today?
As countries throughout the world are and have been coming out of lockdown and life is begining to return to "normal", many people and health authorities have begun to ask the question: Will there be a second wave of COVID-19?
And you, what do you think? Do you think we will see a second wave of COVID-19 outbreak? What should we do to prevent a resurgence?
Feel free to share and discuss any doubts, fears, and feelings you may be having in the comments!
Take care,