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- COVID-19: Should we fear a second wave?
COVID-19: Should we fear a second wave?
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Last activity on 20/11/2021 at 11:33
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15 comments posted | 4 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Whatever happens, whether we do or don't get another spike we are all responsible for ourselves and we should do what we think is best for ourselves. I will watch and see what happens over the next few months but continue to take good care of myself.
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Last activity on 01/06/2023 at 12:51
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2 comments posted | 1 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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I wish l could say the worst is over but fewer people are just carrying on as if life is back to normal. The answer to that is - No life is not normal now or in the future if people do not listen to advise given and help to fight this terrible virus. The young do not think it could affect them only us older ones with underlying illnesses. How wrong they are as it does mutate and unless we realise this and think of others as well as our selves how are we going to beat it. I wish all who are ill or in hospital know that we do care and are thinking of you and pray you get well.
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Last activity on 28/07/2020 at 18:44
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9 comments posted | 1 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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@nineteen_gale wellsaid

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Thank you.
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Last activity on 28/03/2025 at 11:36
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I'm not in fear of another epidemic starting; if it does I'll face it when it does. I abide by the rules with distancing, queuing, wearing a mask on public transport, and washing hands regularly.
When on public transport recently, I noticed 2 members of supermarket staff in uniform. One was wearing a mask; the other wasn't and both sitting next to each other speaking quite casually. When exiting the bus, the member wearing the mask took it off and immediately goes to the supermarket, enters without a mask, and works all day without! Why must the general public set an example and abide by the rules, when their own staff don't also set an example of protecting themselves as well as the public?
Masks should have been worn right in the beginning (March/April not 4/5 months' later). More people die from influenza, pneumonia, cholera, malaria, cancer, tuberculosis, and more. I ignore the television/media now and don't listen to any further speeches on the issue.
I know I am abiding by the rules and that's what counts.
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Unregistered member
It is disgusting indeed when the supermarket staff do not abide by the rules but expect the customers to wear the mask. I shall abide by the rules, and continue with frequent hand washing and wearing of mask, if I go to the supermarket. I have no intention of doing that anytime soon though. i will stay isolated and protect my husband who is vulnerable and has been shielded since March.
Last activity on 01/11/2020 at 13:31
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9 comments posted | 3 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
I also think a 2nd wave is imminent, my friend whos a murse said doctors are very worried for winter and still are not prpered for whats comming iv had too sheild since march and iv still not left the house only too sit in my garden im very afraid whats happening in the world around us and now ppl saying if london put on lockdown ppl will rebel and riot the streets will not be safe 2 many ppl dont beleive this vidus and what it can do

Unregistered member
Never mind about the second wave, the first wave is not yet over. I don't think this virus is ever going to go away. We have to learn to live with it, by following the guidelines and obeying the rules, washing hands, wearing mask, maintaining social distancing and going out only for essentials. Govt. is only concerned about the economy of the country, and has opened up all the services, which in my opinion is extremely unethical. Lives matter more than economy. If there is no life, there is no economy. Also, you are very right. people don't seem to care, especially the younger generation who think that only the elderly generation get affected with the virus and die, and that it wont happen to them. They don't bother about social distancing and flocking on the beach, leaving their litter about, not wearing mask, putting every one else at risk. How do you make them understand is beyond me. My husband and myself have remained shielded since March and we intend to remain so, only going for medical appointments if absolutely necessary.
Stay safe every one, take care and follow the guidelines.
Last activity on 01/11/2020 at 13:31
Joined in 2018
9 comments posted | 3 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
Nineteen-gale yes you're right i dont believe anything anymore tbh theres that many different tales going around and the beaches this wknd have proved so so many ppl dont care its wrong and the police cant deal with that many ppl i myself think they should bring the army too the streets as sadly the youth have no respect for the law today but something's got too be done as everything seems too be up in the air and like you say its like the gov only interested in money i for one are getting very concerned throw in the rioting then well home best place too be

Unregistered member
Yes, do what your heart tells you to. If it tells you to stay at home, then do that. But remember that you do need fresh air and oxygen as well as exercise. So going out for a walk in the woods or fields or quite place after rush hour, is important. keep your brain active as well. You and I both, and many other seniors have decided to stay at home and only go out for essentials if need be. That way, we can ensure our own safety.
Good luck. Stay safe
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
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Hello everyone,
How are you today?
As countries throughout the world are and have been coming out of lockdown and life is begining to return to "normal", many people and health authorities have begun to ask the question: Will there be a second wave of COVID-19?
And you, what do you think? Do you think we will see a second wave of COVID-19 outbreak? What should we do to prevent a resurgence?
Feel free to share and discuss any doubts, fears, and feelings you may be having in the comments!
Take care,