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- COVID-19 Lockdown and Sleep: How are you sleeping lately?
COVID-19 Lockdown and Sleep: How are you sleeping lately?
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Last activity on 19/10/2022 at 01:51
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33 comments posted | 3 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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@Courtney_J I've been having a terrible time of it lately, I think it is definitely related to the stress of all of this. I'm worried about my friends and family and what effect the end of the lockdown, whenever it comes, will have on all of us who are ill. I feel that we'll be hearing about this virus for years to come and it keeps me up at night. I've been trying deep breathing exercises before going to bed but it's not really helping. I bought some herbal tea a while ago I may give that a try next. Does anyone have any tips?
Last activity on 08/05/2021 at 23:05
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I am sleeping really badly, trouble going to sleep, then wake up early. I’m in a high risk group, and have had two letters telling me I can’t go out. My partner is self employed, so he now has no earnings, didn’t make enough to be able to access the monies offered to self employed. To be honest I’m more worried about the economic situation than I am of catching the virus 😳
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Last activity on 21/08/2024 at 16:02
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I am sleeping ok most nights we try not to talk about Covid 19 for a little while before bed. So I do not go to bed thinking about it. I do get up at least 3 times in the night to go to the toilet due to weak bladder. But am used to that as I drink a lot of water and also take a diuretic Tablet. But usually go straight back to sleep.
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Last activity on 25/03/2025 at 14:14
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I've always had a problem with sleeping and unfortunately have a weak bladder! This runs in the family as my mother is the same; must be those famous family genes! Bless my Mom!
This leads to waking up approximately every 2 hours, but it seems a routine now so I'm so used to it. I also get thirsty and tend to go for a drink of water every 2 hours once awake.
I'm also on a new epilepsy medication for a trial of 12 weeks; done 10 weeks so far. One of the side effects is insomnia which hits me occasionally. I've tried melatonin but this doesn't work so was drinking chamomile tea to help. Regrettably, during COVID-19 time I now can't find chamomile tea locally, so am just coping with my usual routine. The doctor gave me some sleeping tablets sometime ago, but won't issue any more due to one possibly getting addicted; I understand his point of view! I also have bouts of sweating/menopausal hot flushes mainly at night. Perhaps this is why I need the extra water. Also, the new medication makes me tired during the daytime, but I've never been one for sleeping during the daytime.
Otherwise, life goes on and my husband and I are fit and healthy (excuse the pun)!
Sending my love to you all; hang in there!
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Last activity on 24/03/2025 at 16:44
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My sleeping pattern has changed some nights I am tired and settle down quite quickly, other nights I am awake until 2-3am reading. I also wake 2-3 times a night to use the toilet or pain. I feel my sleep on the whole is deeper since taking my dog for a daily walk, I have noticed my walking pattern changes from day to day sometimes good other times sluggish. With Fibromyalgia I find it difficult to identify some of the symptoms of Covid for example very painful legs that wake me, does anyone else find the same?
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Last activity on 31/07/2024 at 09:28
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I am not a good sleeper , but I find I am worse since the lockdown. I sleep for an hour or so then wake but find it hard to drop back off again. I am not able to do a lot of exercise,but do armchair tai chi and yoga and I meditate regularly. I would love to know what works for others
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Pamela Greatorex
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I’m not sleeping well at all, I seem to go off ok but I can then I’m awake at 2 or 3 am. I’m guessing of the pain in my joints as I have rheumatoid arthritis which as a lot of you will know can be exacerbated by stress. I’m not saying it’s down to the virus or not being able to go out of the house. All I know is I’m struggling at the moment.
Last activity on 01/02/2021 at 14:02
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@bc123456 try this one , from the time 02:03:25 it would knock you out in a few minutes, i am qualified as clinical hypnotherapist and hypnosis helping during this challenging times. Mr Snyder is the best clinical hypnotherapist in the world.

Last activity on 27/07/2024 at 06:57
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I am so lucky, with the reduction in noise outside I am sleeping better as I don't wake through noise disturbance, I live in the country so the dawn chorus is the first sound I now hear. I sometimes know when I am going to have a bad night pain wise so I prepare by taking pain medication and amitriptyline to try to relax me enough to sleep, that gnawing you experience prior to the biting pain. I am experiencing pain in my hands at the moment and the joints have all swelled in the first two fingers on my right and left hand, surprisingly, I am also experiencing neck and jaw pain. I have RA and Fibromyalgia. I also have a routine I follow if I wake in the early hours. I go to the loo, I make a cup of peppermint tea, I don't put on my dressing gown so I get cold. Pop back into bed the warmth is then soothing pop a couple of pills, drink my tea and then if fortunate I sleep again.
Last activity on 13/11/2021 at 12:20
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I’m sleeping ok up a few times to the loo apart from that get a good 10 hours sleep of course worried about family and friends and can’t wait till it ends
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Hello everyone,
How are you today?
The COVID-19 lockdown imposes a change in our pace of life that can be detrimental to the quality of our sleep. Sleep plays an essential role in the proper functioning of our immune system and is an ally in the face of the coronavirus epidemic.
Are you sleeping well lately? Are you experiencing insomnia?
Are you using dietary supplements to help you fall asleep faster or to improve the quality of your sleep?
Is the lockdown and self-isolation a source of anxiety for you?
Feel free to share your feelings, fears and doubts, as well as your tips and tricks for falling asleep faster!
Take care,