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- Coronavirus: What we know about the end of the lockdown!
Coronavirus: What we know about the end of the lockdown!
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
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1,280 comments posted | 103 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hello everyone,
How are you today?
If you haven't already seen it, we've started a new challenge: Who's behind the face mask?
All of Carenity's community managers took a photo of themselves in their face masks, so we're playing a little guessing game to lighten the mood!
You can find the challenge just here: Challenge: Who's behind the face mask?
Feel free to join in on the fun!
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity UK
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Last activity on 08/01/2025 at 12:53
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35 comments posted | 22 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Me I am frightened as to what tomorrow will bring, getting used to the lockdown was easy, as I was already in lockdown with my mental state. It was nice not crying y the front door as I had to go out, now it doesn't matter. What I am scared of is that this virus will be with us for some time, which for me means my lockdown will continue until the virus will be eliminated.
I don't understand why people are picking on our Boris, is wasn't his fault this virus attacked us, it caught everyone by surprise and it nearly took our Boris's life in the process. Maybe instead of moaning about our Boris, who remember hasn't done this job before, but managed to join people together who were at odds with themselves, or would they like Brazil's PM, who says the virus is just a normal cold and refuses to deal with it.
Whatever happens politically we all have issues caused by this pandemic, so don't make them worse by worrying about things you can't control.
My wife was tested on Friday and got her result on Monday 18th May, she is negative, I am so proud of her by the way she made sure we were both protected while we were out together. Working in a nursing home for people who are mentally incapable of their normal needs, all the staff and the service users all were negative. This was all down to good management and the self discipline of the staff. The staff self isolated if they had any symptoms, and returned to work only after the 14 days if they didn't have any symptoms.
So I hope soon things will get better but for some they will continue for a while longer, at least we can have our say and get news of what others are doing in our situation, so we are not alone.
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P Greenwood
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Regret there's a lot of comments on here I don't agree with, but am not prepared to open up a debating system.
Everyone is trying to do their best with trying to cope with a situation which was least expected. No political comments or running down the health services, i.e. NHS, nursing homes etc. will ever solve the problem. We all have our views but for those who feel negative, I am sorry.
I don't understand how people can continue making others lives miserable with their constant 'moaning' and negative comments. If you haven't anything nice to say about anyone, be it politics, health service or other, then don't say it. We are all 'in the same boat' whether we like it or not, so let's be pleasant and at least have a positive outlook on life!
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Last activity on 31/03/2025 at 19:50
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@lesmal While I agree with you comments will get a little extreme and you can't agree with them all. Clearly we are moving to the ending of the crisis so there will be a massive political reckoning of the many failures. Certainly the NHS has been ruthless in their policies and they have been having their easiest period in their history. Yes many mistakes but I would put most of it due to panic and would question the so called experts but why not allow the wider discussion, it mat relieve tensions and fears.
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I live in Scotland but i think it is way too early to be lifting restrictions. I can see another spike coming worse than the first one. I think that when the last person in hospital/care home etc has been cleared of the virus then the restrictions could be lifted gradually but not all at once and certainly not now. I have not heard a thing off my gp or diabetes specialists before or during this covid_19 pandemic. I like every one else are in the dark as we are getting no straight forward answers it's just all hear say and guess work.
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Last activity on 08/01/2025 at 12:53
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This has been a shock to most people, I know that having a long peaceful time that we have had in the UK, only moaning about the weather and who sits in parliament, this pandemic came so quickly that a lot of people couldn't understand what was going on. I know as I was one of them, instead of worrying about the usual day to day things, here was something else.
Now my worries were, my medication, seeing the doctor (it was already hard to get an appointment), getting food and toilet rolls. It was like the country was at war, just as you got used to one set of rules, others were coming out. Lloyds Pharmacy was advertising Echo, for prescription ordering and delivery, because of the virus restrictions I decided to join up. I registered, and at the end I was told the system had been oversubscribed and would send an email as to when I would be accepted. After about a week I was accepted, the only problem was with my antidepressant medication dosage, there drop down list was a lot lower than I was prescribed but it was sorted.
I then got a message on my phone that my doctors was now doing virtual doctors appointments, I haven't tried it yet. All these things to make our lives simpler, yes they are ok, but really it is helping us to be more isolated.
Now we don't have to go out, Amazon (as I am a subscriber), now do deliveries from Morrisons, delivery will be free but a time slot may be hard to get until the restrictions are eased. With faith meetings now on line, and with all the above I only need to leave the house to take the wife to work and back, but will this cure my anxieties, or will it add to them.
Like everyone here I have issues, but we know that all what the government has spent on this pandemic, from where are they going to get the money from to pay back the loans? This we will have to see.
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P Greenwood
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Last activity on 16/11/2020 at 18:25
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Iam sorry to but alot of diabetics will be scared of returning to work in the near future I know iam one ! So will we have a job as social distance where I work is not alot as it's a small shop in the town high st I had a letter from the company about what they were doing that's fine but I wont be returning on 1st june until I know what they have done ! I love my job but my health comes first now

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Even though the restrictions are being eased, I will have o be in lock down, as my husband is on the extremely vulnerable list, and we have to stay under lock down. When will that lift, God aloe knows. We haven't been out of the ouse since 18th march. How much longer will we have to stay in I wonder. Still, its better safe than sorry.
Last activity on 21/04/2020 at 17:28
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I am hoping to be able to open my small shop 1 June but it will be done very carefully, only allowing 2 people in at a time. Fortunately the set up of the shop enables me to do that as it is a greeting card and gift shop.
I do feel that we could have avoided a lot of what has happened if we had lock down at the airports only allowing people returning home and testing them as they arrived and if there was any doubt putting them in quarantine the same way we did with those coming off cruise ships. It is only when Boris took ill that things changed.
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Hello everyone,
I hope you are doing well.
I first would like to thank you all for participating in this discussion. I hope it has been a source of clarity or comfort for you all.
I think we are all aware of what tense and difficult times we are living through, especially for those of us with chronic illnesses. Tensions are high and emotions are raw as the impact and outcome of the virus is uncertain.
While we may agree or disagree about how our village, city or even country is responding to the pandemic, I’d like to ask that we keep politics out of our discussion where possible. Whether we agree or disagree, this is meant to be a discussion to share our thoughts, questions, information and above all support.
I’d also like to remind everyone the importance of being kind during this difficult moment. Carenity is here to allow everyone connect, share and support one another through our illnesses with kindness and respect.
Let's agree to continue the discussion with this in mind.
Wishing you all a safe and happy weekend!
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity UK
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Community managerGood advisor
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
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1,280 comments posted | 103 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hello everyone,
If you haven’t already seen in the news, many countries in Europe and elsewhere in the world are starting to discuss or put measures in place to end the COVID-19 lockdown.
In his address last night, the Prime Minister Johnson announced an easing of restrictions regarding the lockdown rather than simply ending it.
The Government has established five tests that will have to be met before considering an end to the lockdown:
In addition, a new COVID Alert System, determined by the R number (the rate of COVID infection) and the number of Coronavirus cases, has been put in place to indicate how strict social distancing measures must be. It includes five alert levels, Level 1 meaning COVID-19 is no longer present in the UK and Level 5 meaning a critical material risk of overwhelming the NHS.
Starting Wednesday, people in England who "can't work from home" will be encouraged to return to work, but should avoid public transport if possible. From this date people in England will also be able to spend more time outdoors for leisure, including unlimited outdoor exercise, sport, or sun in parks. The PM also indicated that starting June 1, England may be in a place to reopen primary schools, shops and nurseries in phases, and hopes that some public places (including restaurants, cinemas and places of worship) may reopen starting July 1.
The Welsh, Scottish, and Northern Ireland governments have indicated that they will not be following with the June 1 date for primary schools. Decisions are awaited regarding the opening of shops and other businesses.
What do you think about this easing of restrictions? Is it too early? What do you think the impact will be on those who are extremely vulnerable or at risk? Do have any questions? Have you had any further information from your GP or medical team?
Feel free to share your thoughts and questions below!
Take care,