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- Persistent cold and flu symptoms since COVID jab: Have you experienced this?
Persistent cold and flu symptoms since COVID jab: Have you experienced this?
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mr chipps
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mr chipps
Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 21:05
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355 comments posted | 213 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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some people are not allowed to drive at night, for certain medical conditions, such as cataracts, but can drive during daylight hours. i probably wont have any PROBLEMS after the hospital finds out the cause to my eye injury. i am just being careful , in case things go against me
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singing poet man
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Last activity on 30/03/2025 at 18:21
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1,451 comments posted | 266 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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@mr chipps ... Let's hope that the eye damage is not too serious, and hopefully can be corrected.
Thinking of you during this time. Waiting for appointments is no fun but we hope they treat the matter as urgent, which I am sure they will.
Driving is another story. I haven't driven since the age of 17, some 47 years ago, when I had a seizure whilst driving. Luckily, myself and no one else was injured.
Once they find out what might be the problem, which we hope is not too serious, then maybe you can get behind the wheel!
Good luck in getting an appointment soon. Let us know what happens.
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mr chipps
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mr chipps
Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 21:05
Joined in 2015
355 comments posted | 213 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hi Lesmal i rang the hospital a out getting an appointment with opthalmology and they said that i am on the waiting list. But they cant say when i will get an appointment.
Diabetes department sent mr a letter saying that they will arrange an appointment. But i know that unless they get a cancellation, it could be even may or june.
So everything is on hold. I dont think i will loss my licence. I less they find something nasty? I am doing my voluntary work in the morning with the aphasia cafe group
I am doing yoga on zoom this evening
I enjoy it and it does?me good emotionally and physically. So i will carry on doing it!
I am having problems playing the piano, because my eyes get tired fast ?
Take care my friends and stay safe x
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singing poet man
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Last activity on 30/03/2025 at 18:21
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1,451 comments posted | 266 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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@mr chipps ... Thank you for the update and glad you are still doing and enjoying your voluntary work.
Yoga is great for relaxation and I am pleased you are active on Zoom. Sorry to hear about your struggle playing the piano.
Let's just hope that both Opthalmology and the Diabetes Department give you an appointment soon.
Thinking of you.
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mr chipps
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mr chipps
Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 21:05
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355 comments posted | 213 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hi Lesmal thanksfor your kind words. I am getting a bit frustratedabout my eyes. As i had just got back into playing my piano.
But i find that the notes arent easy to work out? And reading them makes my eyes tired 😫 quickly.
I went to a superjam tea party on qednesday afternoon
I met the late Jo Cox (mp) again . I gave them some of my poems a couple of years ago.
I am circulating a little more socially.
I am going to do some more voluntary
Work this morning, supporting people with Aphasia . Caused by having had a stroke
Take care and have a nice day its sunny, but cool here in yorkshire 😎
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singing poet man
mr chipps
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mr chipps
Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 21:05
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355 comments posted | 213 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hi Lesmal i have managed to get an appointment with the diabetes department for maunday thursday, but there's no appointments yet, for Opthalmology, as the doctors have close the clinics . so i will just have to wait and see whats going to happen , . the big problems with both Opthalmology and the diabetes clinics, is that they need to dilate my eyes, meaning that i need someone to drive as the eye drops take 6 hours to clear
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singing poet man
mr chipps
AmbassadorGood advisor
mr chipps
Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 21:05
Joined in 2015
355 comments posted | 213 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hi Tigger, i a, pleased that my advice has helped you to get some treatment and comfort knowing that nothing is broken ? i used to let things slide with my health , until i had a multiple embolisms in both lungs, last year, because of not being able to see my doctor, my diabetes numbers rocketed, and now i a m back taking Metformin. i will be having blood tests next month for my diabetes and prostate.
Sadly now my eyes are playing up and the opthalmology consultant wants to see me again to have me have another eye scan, as does the diabetes department, as opthalmolgy believes that there may be damage or wear and tear to my left eye. take care and look after yourself , i am taking my own advice and looking after myself more
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singing poet man
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Last activity on 30/03/2025 at 18:21
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1,451 comments posted | 266 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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@mr chipps ... Thank you for the update.
I am so pleased to hear you now have an appointment with the Diabetes Department. One down, another to go!
I just hope Opthamology Clincs open soon so you get to see them a.s.a.p. With not being allowed to drive after dilation of your eyes, perhaps you have a friend or neighbour that could help, or maybe they would allow you to get a taxi home?
We all have to listen to what our bodies are telling us, just as I knew recently I had hyponatremia (low sodium), and managed to get myself to my doctor for blood tests. If not, it would have been a disaster.
I am recovering well now on salt tablets and change of epilepsy medication. This time my Neurologist let me down as he was warned in December 2021 this could happen.
Let's hope an appointment with the Opthalmology Clinic comes up soon! Thinking of you!
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mr chipps
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mr chipps
Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 21:05
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Hi Les . I cant understand why the clinics are closed, unless its to let the doctors catch up with patients and test results? Due to covidbacklogs. It was the same with diabetic screening. When i had my 1st eye scan, they were telling patients that they may have to wait until end of may and middle of june? The problem as we know them is, that if we dont get seen quickly iur health can deteriorate and then we have new problems .( I think my friend valerie may drive me to the hospital and back? As she normally goes for her tea on thursdays? )
Things got worse before, with me not getting to see a doctor . So my diabetes flared up very badly again . We both have enough health issue's and don't want to have to cope with with new ones developing? . I went to our local Dunelm on Sunday and bought a lovely new rug for infront of my fireplace. The shop assistant remembered me from working in the grotto in Doncaster 4 years ago.
She said that she enjoyed working with me me . That was my 1st time for the grotto company, and its nice to be remembered? I have been asked already by elves , if i am going to work in the grotto this year? But i tell people its far too early to know yet ? I should get asked by the grotto owner around August or september? I just have to say yes. I don't get asked to an interview . Just a casual chat.
In 3 weeks i am going to my friend nieces wedding. I am videoing most of it
Then at the end of April i am going with some silver surfer friends for a few days in wales. . Hopefully this year will be much brighter for us both . Keith
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singing poet man
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Last activity on 30/03/2025 at 18:21
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1,451 comments posted | 266 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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@mr chipps Thank you for your update. I have no idea why the clinics would be closed either but hope your issues can be resolved soon. Sorry to hear about the flare-up of your diabetes. Did you manage to get this under control?
It is wonderful to hear that you are recognized after doing your voluntary roles at the Grotto. I am sure you will be requested to do the same this year in December. Your rug must look lovely by the fireplace now, and helps keep your room cozy and comfortable during winter. I look forward to maybe seeing some photos of your friend's niece's wedding; sounds exciting and hope you enjoy the time out.
What a gorgeous way to spend the end of April, visiting Wales. I have never been to Wales and believe it has some beautiful spots. Keep us advised as to your health and travel plans in the future. My aim one day is to go back to my place of birth, Southampton, as I still have to see the place.
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Hi all on carenity, hope you are all doing okay, I just want to know has anyone else had almost a permanent cold or flu since having their Covid jabs, I seem to be getting a cold all the time, and it's affecting me and my already health issues, I start a new exercise routine, and healthy eating, and I get a cold and it all goes out the window, can't eat, can't walk as I'm hurting so much, I would like to know if anyone else has had any symptoms from their Covid jabs?